Notice of Continued Return

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by susanna, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member

    I've been away for awhile from these boards -- my DH and I had serious financial problems 2 years ago -- no jobs and the house almost in foreclosure. I got wonderful support from this forum, and I'm back for more help.

    We were able to save our house -- I have a good job and my DH is self-employed with 4 well-paying clients. All of a sudden, the CA's are after us. Two weeks ago my DH was served for 2 CO's worth a total of 12K. I have not been served, but I just received a one page document from the court called a "Notice of Continued Return" showing a case no. with the plaintiff being Midland Credit Management and First Consumers National Bank. It states that "the return date for answer of disposition previously scheduled in the above matter for August 7 has been continued to October 2 at the hour of 8am.

    I have not been served notice of a lawsuit. Does anyone know what this is? What do I need to do?

    Thanks much for the help...Susanna
  2. logger1

    logger1 Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty new to this, but one thing i've learned in the past six months is that there are state laws that protect the citizens of the states they live in. If the address requesting you to respond to is outside of your state, you should make copies of everything and forward them to your state attorney general's office claiming you believe you are being illegally harrassed, and request an investigation by your state AJ's office. I have not seen a lot of posts on many forums that deal with the power one has through their attorney general's office as a citizen of the state. If your state AJ's office are 'players' they will at a minimum followup on complaints from citizens.

    The Aj's office empowers teh Consumer finance division in our state and while you will not receive legal advice from them, they investigate every complaint by a citizen. How you deal with the CA's on your own is well-established on this forum and others. However, you build an amazing precedent if you can call attention of any wrongdoing to your state AJ. In particular, if your state requires licensing, bonding, and/or registration of any CA contacting a citizen, and the CA does not have such legal (civil) right, it is likely a representative will be all over these folks. I live in Oregon and recently I had a CA attempt to communicate with me from Utah, and another one from Ohio; both not registered in my state. As soon as the Consumer Finance arm of the Secretary of State and AJ's office received my complaints and documentation, they acted. This doesn't put an end to it, but from what I've heard, CA's do not like calls from AJ's offices. I keep hearing about all the sh*t Midland is up to, and I believe it is only a matter of time before some state (or several states) takes these b*stards out. I'll let others chime in as to what YOU can do and how you should or should not respond. Great job of getting through TWO years of financial difficulty. I'm assuming you didn't declare BK, and chose to work through your finances under a different venue. I'm currently going down the same path. Best to You.
  3. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member

    Logger 1,
    The "Notice of Continued Return" that I received lists a local attorney representing Midland Credit. I just don't know what's happening here. There's a case number but I haven't been served a complaint?!?
    And, yes, my DH and I did not file BK and managed to dig out and keep our kids in college. It was a very rough few years. But, our FICOs are in the mid-500's.
    It's still haunting us...and now tha lawsuits are coming our way.
    Thanks for the words of encouragement.
  4. appylon

    appylon Banned

    Call the clerk of the court they will tell you if it is a true case docket number etc. Some states you can go on line to find out about any civil cases pending.
  5. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member

    I just did a search on Lexus/Nexus and found the following case filed, even though I have NEVER been served:


    No Information is Available for this case
    Back to Top

    Date Time Details

    08/07/2007 8:00 Return Date on Summons
    Room: T

    Scheduled Events
    Date Time Details

    08/07/2007 8:00 Return Date on Summons
    Room: T
    Judge: C. Smith
    Back to Top

    Date Code Description

    07/24/2007 SACF Summons and Complaint Filed
    ATY/ Machol Jr, Jacques A
    PTF/ Midland Credit Management, Inc First C
    07/24/2007 FOTH Filing Other
    ATY/ Machol Jr, Jacques A
    PTF/ Midland Credit Management, Inc First C
    07/24/2007 RS Return of Service
    ATY/ Machol Jr, Jacques A
    PTF/ Midland Credit Management, Inc First C
    Back to Top


    No Information is Available for this case
    Back to Top

    Bond Information

    No Information is Available for this case
    Back to Top

    Financial Summary
    Can someone tell me what to do? Have they already filed and gotten a judgement????
  6. logger1

    logger1 Well-Known Member

    It appears there was a summons. You might want to get down to the courthouse and get copies of everything that has been filed under the case number. I'm not up on Colorado law, but here in Oregon if you move and the summons was mailed (yep, they can mail them here) to an old address and it was returned "address unknown," you'll need some solid legal advice."

    You want to determine where th eprocess might be in terms of a judgment. It appears your husband is self-employed, so wages would be hard to garnish. Since there is a possibility that a default judgment has been entered (Again, I don't know how Colorado law works), you might want to get any cash you have out of bank accounts and sit on it. Research your exemptions from judgments under Coloraso law, etc. My philosophy would be protect your liquid assets, and then determine what is going on. I'm not an attorney, but you might want to take some protective steps here with regard to a possible judgment. Best to you.
  7. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member

    Logger 1,

    It looks like they tried to serve the summons, but were unsuccessful. (My DH says someone tried to serve me 2 weeks ago). So, it looks like the court is extending the Answer/Disposition to the Summons from August 7 to October 2, presumably to give them more time to serve the summons. Does that make sense? Because the notice I got today is a "notice of continued return" moving the date from August 7 to October 2.

    I thought they couldn't file a summons until it was successfuly served, though...
  8. appylon

    appylon Banned

    It looks more like case management by the court in most states you need to be served in person or sign for it by mail. The reason it was extended was they didnt do proper service.You can find out on line how service is done in CO.
  9. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member

    I think you're right. So, what do I need to do...Send a validation letter out? Wait to be served?...I know in CO it must be in person. If they are not successful in serving me, what happens then?
  10. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member

    Apparently, FCNB went BK in 2003 and Midland is collecting on these accounts. In snooping around online, I found that much of the paperwork at FCNB was destroyed, so Midland's ability to validate is nil. Midland also increased the amount owed to an add'l $1k. I'm thinking that I need an attorney...Susanna
  11. appylon

    appylon Banned

    You can ask for validation at any time however that lets them know that you know that they know and so on.....I would hide for as long as possible case management through the court lasts for a year from the date of filing.
    On the other hand validation for a ca is almost impossible.
  12. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member

    So you think I shouldn't validate? When you say "hide" you mean frrom being served? I believe my new employer now appears on my CR, so they could find me there...I suppose I could wait until they serve me and then validate. Not sure what to do.
    As for case management, if they don't meet the deadline of the court for proper service, they keep filing continuances?
  13. appylon

    appylon Banned

    Some times they will file for a continuance the court will only give one or two and than the case is taken off calender/case management
    If you think they can find you than send a validation letter.
  14. desertrat

    desertrat Well-Known Member

    Just a guess here, but it's possible that they missed the window to serve you and petitioned the court for an extension. You should go down to the courthouse and dig up those papers ASAP and find out what's going on.

    I was served with a lawsuit a few years ago. It was 7 days after the 120-day window allowed by law. The other party proceeded to act as if everything was just hunky-dory. I went down to the law library and did a bit of research. One fellow suggested that all I needed to do was file a motion to dismiss based on some statute. I did, and it got dismissed. But not without some objections and cross-motions from the other part. It was a bit scary, but my experience with that whole thing, and a couple others, has taught me one thing: lawyers seem to proceed assuming everything is just fine. If they get caught with their fingers in the cookie jar, they scream like stuck pigs and try to make it seem like the jar is theirs for the picking. There are never any apologies; they just back up and try another route.

    I suspect this is some kind of routine sparring that lawyers are expected to engage in. When the other party isn't as skilled, or they miss a step, they get clobbered with a load of trash that no sane person would think of tossing.

    Anyway, the point is, expect two distinct attacks: one is the direct one, and it's usually blown way out of proportion. The other one is a fall-back used in case the other party missteps or defaults on something.

    The only way to know what's really going on is to get copies of EVERYTHING that gets filed with the court. In my case, I had to call the clerk on every deadline date to see if something had been filed. (The lawyer seemed to always wait to the day of the legal deadline to file.) And The court was months behind at getting stuff entered so you could find it online. Even when the other lawyer missed the deadlines, he'd just cruise ahead as if the deadline didn't exist. Without some kind of objection on my part, the court would ignore it. And you can't object before they've actually done something, unless it's REALLY late. What a racket....
  15. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member

    I should look up the paperwork first and hold tight on the validation, sounds like. Wonder if I should get a lawyer involved -- With my full-time job, I don't have much time to dig up statutues, etc.

    I just hope they don't try to serve me at work...Susanna
  16. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    Just my $.02 from the cheap seats, but if the records were likely lost and they're just acting on a name, account number and amount, it might be that your best defense is a good offense.

    a) don't hide from the summons
    b) file a request for discovery (it's a bit late for validation)
    c) get them to come to the table and make them work for it.

    Most likely they are trying to get a default judgement and hoping that you'll just ignore them and make their job easy for them. Once the get a default judgement, they can legally come after the original amount, lawyer's fees, interest, etc. By avoiding a dispute, you're just making their life easy.

    If you can't do all this yourself, then you should find a lawyer who is versed in FDCPA law. Look up some cases in the local federal district court and see who's been filing the majority of them.

    Don't roll over and play dead.
  17. susanna

    susanna Well-Known Member


    That's sound advice. I don't think I could hide if I tried, since they have my employer's name. I will call a lawyer tomorrow. Thanks, Susanna

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