What do soft pulls show

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by OnTheBayou, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. OnTheBayou

    OnTheBayou Well-Known Member

    I am trying to find out exactly what a soft pull shows. Mainly does it show scores? I would think it would show balances, inq., lates, and judgements.
  2. appylon

    appylon Banned

    A soft pull is when she.........no thats something else.
    same info. with a soft pull as a hard pull just wont be a part of your score most are done by a computer for the purpose of selling you something or offering you credit.
  3. OnTheBayou

    OnTheBayou Well-Known Member

    O. K. so everything is a soft pull for me since I'm 105 years old.........

    I had a good offer from a Business CCC and asked for an increase. I hadn't used the card for 2 years. They asked me how much I wanted, and I said I don't want to ask for to much and be denied so what do you suggest. I told them most of my cards were from $15000 to 30000 and my scores 800 plus and minus. They raised me from 11,000 to 18,000. Did they verify my info.?
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Most likely they did not do a soft pull for this CL increase. They probably had made soft pulls as account reviews within the two years you've had the account.
  5. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    A pull is a pull; the only pull which isn't a pull is a PRM, that is the only type of pull which receives less information than a pull (typically only the 'above the fold' information).

    If it's on your report, a puller receives it when they pull.

    But actually, the only pull which is truly soft is a PRM -- it's the only not-reportable to third-parties report type specifically in the FCRA.

    'Soft' reports as referred to are only provided as a courtesy to allow creditors the OPTION to obtain recent information without impacting your credit scores.

    appylon: there is a major difference between a 'soft' pull and a PRM; a PRM report is the report which is to make an offer. They provide a list of criteria to the CRAs, the CRAs provide the 'above-the-fold' information for consumers who match those criteria. (But as FTC v. TransUnion shows, they can decompile your credit file if they asked the right questions to the CRAs.)

    A 'soft' report is a full credit report which can only be obtained for one of the permissible purposes in the FCRA; a company can not obtain a 'soft' report to make an offer. For CLIs and other ARs, typically a 'soft' report is obtained; although I have seen some do a hard if you REQUEST the CLI (since you are asking for additional credit).
  6. OnTheBayou

    OnTheBayou Well-Known Member

    Question answered....a full report was made. Called a "soft pull" that is a courtesy of the CRA.


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