Send mult. disputes to CRA or send individually?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by robhasty, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. robhasty

    robhasty Member

    Which would be better?

    For each CRA, make a list of disputed items for them to verify and send that list to the CRA (3 letters total) OR

    Mail each disputed item separately?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. desertrat

    desertrat Well-Known Member

    I did that once, and it was a headache.

    It works just as well to send the same letter to all three CRAs identifying all of the accounts with as much info as you can, and say which CRA each one is appearing on.

    I started doing that after a lawyer I was working with said that's what they do for their clients and it always worked fine for them. That's what I found as well.

    But you want to keep things simple and straight to the point. Also, if there are multiple things wrong with individual entries, don't point them all out. Just point out the most glaring one and say "delete it". If the data is wrong, don't correct them. Just say, "It's wrong. Delete it." They may and they may not. But you'll have some other things to ding them with later if they don't.

    Also, lots of people advise against disputing more than three things at once. I haven't found that to be a problem. I just make a list of items that are inaccurate, say what's wrong, and let them deal with it. I also include things like crazy spellings of my name and address that end up there.

    Think of it from the viewpoint of someone reading it who's pressed for time, who just needs the essential details to make a decision, and who doesn't know or care about the law or any complications.
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    You may want to consider entering these disputes on-line, instead of mailing letters. You can enter multiple disputes on-line.

    Be sure to print out the disputes as evidence.
  4. desertrat

    desertrat Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I disagree. I've tried that. They give you a little 100 word box and you have no evidence of what you sent or the date. It's time-consuming.

    Also, none of the CRAs will let you file a dispute until after you've ordered a report from them (that I've found, anyway). A tri-merge won't cut it. You need one from each one, because they require you to enter their receipt number when you login.

    I've got TrueCredit, which is through TransUnion. They'll let me file disputes with them, but it's a royal PITA. But none of the others.
  5. logger1

    logger1 Well-Known Member

    Interesting, I disputed an old account where I was once an authorized user. I disputed this through truecredit for both experian and transunion. I simply checked the box for "not responsible." In less than a week, it disappeared. It could be that CRA's are more likely to dump authorized users from reports given the current item is in the news. I haven't tried with equifax yet, but I hear they work somewhat quickly via the mail. Truecredit doen't get you access to equifax disputes (At least I couldn't find a spot to it on their site.)

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