CCH ripped me off for $2,800 beware!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by IhateCCH, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Or so one might reasonably think.

    But that doesn't have to be true. I am convinced that you are pretty close to proving that statement Apex. All it takes to survive such bad times as this negativity seems to be generating is going the extra mile when necessary and over time build yourself a solid reputation for honest and fair dealing and you can survive almost any negative publicity no matter how bad.

    It is easy to see that you are doing things the way that the law says you are supposed to do them and you seem willing to put in the little bit of extra time and effort it takes to present the positive side of what you do.

    Just look at what the Japanese people have done over the years. Not all that many years ago they were one of America's most hated peoples. After the war their products were known as "Jap Junk" and nobody wanted a Jap car. Then a few people bought them and found out they although they might have a few drawbacks in terms of size and power they were good reliable products that stayed on the road and got the job done and at a relatively good price.

    Same thing with the Chinese. Their products have been considered cheap junk and that they were. But that is changing too because Chinese made stuff is getting better and better all the time.

    I think that you too will survive quite well because of the fact that you are building a pretty good reputation for getting the job done and at a fair price.

    One thing you may have to learn is how to effectively spread your message across a greater segment of the internet however. While this and other forums like it are good in many ways, the size and type of their audience is extremely limited. The web is changing rapidly, almost faster than anybody can keep up with. In the past these forums were extremely popular but that day is gone forever and has been replaced by blogs, wikis and now the new social networks like Flikr, Youtube, Myspace, Facebook, Stumbler, Twitter and many more. But even they are starting to lose a bit of popularity as the web moves ever closer to full video and online TV.

    Even the old software companies are starting to have a rough time of it because of stiff competition from what are known as Widgets and Web 2.0. It won't be long until people don't buy or download software any more. The software will be all web based, you pay a very small fee to use it and download the results but you never actually get the software.

    Now what all that really says is that in order to survive you have to be innovative and keep up with the latest technology or you won't survive. While honesty and fair dealing are key criteria you also have to be innovative and almost everywhere to survive these days.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the kind words. I would like to speak with you one day regarding some of your expertise in internet advertising. I don't beleive our web designer is nearly as astute.
  3. creditwren

    creditwren Banned

    I recommended you very highly to the person who called me. I'm just getting into and although it took me quite a while to get there and able to answer questions as one of their experts, I am getting a lot of questioners now and I think that will be very beneficial. Many people are asking questions about credit repair that I simply cannot answer because I don't do credit repair so I am certain that you can do well in answering such questions on and that can help your business quite a lot or so I am told.

    Robert Paisola has been doing a lot on and his advice is basically worthless and absolutely nothing more than advertising his bad services. He is another scam artist. I am a bit curious about him right now because all of a sudden he is showing maxed out and unable to answer anymore questions. The reason for that may quite possibly be because he got thrown back in prison for failing to register as a sex offender under Utah state sex offender registry system.

    I'm only guessing about that based on the fact that he went to court to answer the charges on that on July 25th in Lehi, Utah county court and his lawyer put up a strong set of arguments that the court had to decide on. They postponed the trial until such time as the court could study the objections and arguments and now all of a sudden he is maxed out on whereas previously he has always been prompt with his answers. So in reality I am only guessing as to what the reason is but my guess is based on some knowledge of what might have happened.

    If indeed he did get sent back to the Utah state slammer it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. He was booted from and some other community sites for having teen age girls as his "friends" and he is 40 years old. They all booted him for the same reason. A convicted sex offender chasing teenyboppers. Then he got back on and a couple more using a false alias and they were informed of that fact by an Arizona P.I. whom I know quite well so they booted him again. (LOL)

    I call him the Thief-in-Chief of Western Capital Management because he stole some very high traffic web pages from me and put them on his servers making it look like he was the author of them and naturally stealing some of my traffic.

    Then he called me up pretending to be a buddy of mine and wanting to give me all sorts of perks if I would only quit calling him the Thief-in-Chief and remove him from my Rogue's Gallery of Debt Collector pages so I did provided he would remove the offending pages from his web sites. Of course he failed to do that so I just put the Rogue's Gallery stuff back up. Then he wanted to join into the Callier lawsuit against me and even offered them half of their court filing fees to let him in as a co-complaintant. Of course he couldn't do that because he didn't have a similar circumstance to theirs so even if they had accepted his offer he still would not have been allowed to intervene in the case. He claims to know all about law but didn't even know that he couldn't enter into the case but might have been engaging in champerty if he did.

    Of course, you have my phone number so you can call me at any time or you can also join in on my Friday night conference calls too if you wish. The number and pin are on my message board so that's no problem either. They start at 7:00 P.M. central time every Friday night and go until everybody runs out of something to talk about.
  4. appylon

    appylon Banned

    billie billie billie When will you ever stop. If you want the truth go to
    URL REMOVED Research the FACTS for your self.
  5. creditwren

    creditwren Banned

    Well, yes, that is the truth right out of the old horse's mouth himself. Now then, let's look at the truth according to several others people, of which I am not one of them.

    First of all, let's look at the published truth according to the Utah newspaper known as Salt Lake Weekly.

    r> Of course we all know that the media can't be trusted to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so lets take a look at what the Utah State Prison system and the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals had to say about Robert Paisola.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2007
  6. appylon

    appylon Banned

    Well billie I'm not concerned with robert paisola's past. Most if not all posted on that sight is the truth however people can look up the FACTS for them selves and make up there own minds as I did many years ago when I gave you the Boot from the Creditmania web sit for spewing BS.
    I did note the story was out of Utah Isn't that where your student cap1 is from? Not to worry I shall pray to the angel moron(i).
    Enormasdedter how many names do you use billie???
  7. creditwren

    creditwren Banned

    No, Cap1sucks is not from Utah. And the topic of conversation here is not about individuals or who has the best message board or blog or who hates who. The topic is not about who kicked who off of what nor their reasons for doing so.

    The topic here is about companies such as CCH Consulting LLC and Western Capital Management who routinely rip people off and give them false and misleading information.

    You have been defending both CCH Consulting and now Paisola vigorously. Now why is that? Or is that not your agenda either but rather just seeing how many times you can slam me? Seems that you were warned about that a few days ago by the moderator here, weren't you? Lisa told you not to do it again, didn't she?
  8. appylon

    appylon Banned

    defend definition
    v. de·fend·ed, de·fend·ing, de·fends
    1. To make or keep safe from danger, attack, or harm.
    2. Sports
    a. To attempt to prevent the opposition from scoring while playing in or near (a goal or area of a field, for example).
    b. To be responsible for guarding (an opposing player).
    c. To compete against a challenger in an attempt to retain (a championship).
    3. To support or maintain, as by argument or action; justify.
    4. Law
    a. To represent (a defendant) in a civil or criminal action.
    b. To attempt to disprove or invalidate (an action or claim).
    1. To make a defense.

    No where was I "defending" Paisola or CCH etc.
    I post Information so people can make up there mind as to what advice is best for them however they can't make an informed decision if they don't have all the FACTS. Caveat Emptor......<
  9. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    You posted a link to a blog owned and operated by Paisola and to one owned and operated by Bauer while he posted links to the opinions of a well respected newspaper in Utah and a factual report by a reporter who actually collected the facts and spoke to Paisola in person. He also posted links to courts and actual prison records. There is a huge difference in the quality of the links provided by you and those posted by Bauer. Then you stated that you had kicked Bauer off of your board as though that somehow added creditbility to your personal attack.

    As Bauer pointed out, you were warned by the moderator not to engage in any more attacks upon members of this board. Let's see what she does about it.
  10. lisa

    lisa Administrator


    Appylon has been banned. He was warned about personally attacking other members of the board yet continued to do so. If he wants to be unbanned, he can contact us in one month. However, his activity will be closely watched.

    Remember the importance of your warning moderators of inappropriate content on the board, and thanks to all you who do.

  11. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Good board, good administration. A message board can be too liberal and too restrictive. That is too say there are some boards which won't allow anything in terms of divergence from their own position and there are some baords which will allow certain posters to levy personal attacks. This board is neither of the above and is one of the reasons we've chosed to post here exclusively.

    With that said, appylon was one of the worst posters I've seen. They actually took it so far as to make implied threats. I've never seen that on a consumer message board. Good riddance.

    Anyway, just my two cents . . .

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