Listen Up Consumers

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by debts, Oct 16, 2007.

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  1. debts

    debts Banned

    On 11/01/2007 I will be buying over 500K in Ace check cashing debts.The first 90 days I will offer to all consumers that when they pay their debt plus all interest I will delete the negative mark from all credit bureaus.After the 90 days I will only update once paid.Remember once you pay Ace checking cashing will loan to you again.

    If my post is deleted I will not repost.The next time you will hear from me will be by mail if you owe.

    Trying to give the consumer another chance.

  2. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    Just out of curiosity, what does $500K of bad checks go for, these days? $500? $5,000?

    How many collections do you have to make to break even? 10? 100?

    I think more interesting is that Ace can lose $500,000 and keep making money. Does that tell you something about their fee structure?
  3. debts

    debts Banned


    It is not the point what I pay.Say you borrowed $150 you owe $150 plus interest.The first 90 days we are giving consumers a chance to pay their debt they have with Ace and get the negative remove from the bureaus.Once we buy the debt we will report it to the bureaus as the start date as we buy the debts.
  4. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    Cool. You haven't even bought the debts and you're already planning to re-age them. The readers of this board will be waiting for your phone calls with their recorders running.
  5. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You can't be that damn dumb . . .
  6. debts

    debts Banned


    Least I am giving the consumers a chance to pay their Ace checking cashing debt and get the negative removed.Ace check cashing would not give the consumer that chance.We want the consumers to record everything when we call because we will be recording all phone calls that come in.
  7. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    I smell someone FISHY !!!

    Even you cannot guarantee any removal, heck we cannot even get the CRA to remove real items or court ordered items, how would you be able to do it when none of can?
  8. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member


    Ace reports the trade line as a bad loan that was charged off. Mr. JDB buys it (for .01/$) wants to re-age it (illegal, BTW) and offer to remove the [Ace?] trade line? I don't see how (legally) Mr. JDB could:

    a) re-age the debt
    b) remove someone else's trade line.

    Sure, he could remove his collection tradeline, if he wanted to, or he could just wait 90 days (or however long felt good) before reporting it. But, I don't see how he could remove the Ace tradeline.

    But, either way, best of luck in your collection efforts. I'm sure someone who couldn't pay back their $100 pay-day loan from 5 years ago will jump at the chance to pay $250 today, but these are the dreams that built America. (I wonder how many of these are out of statute...).

    I'm getting the impression that this is Mr. JDB's first foray into this business.
    Nevertheless, I hope. for your sake, that either you refresh yourself on the FDCPA and the FCRA or that your soon-to-be debtors don't read this board or they'll know how to sue you and win for FDCPA and FCRA violations.

    And an additional note to Mr. JDB's future clients. Remember that he probably paid no more than $5 for every $100 debt (probably more like $1) so when he asks for the full face value, deep down, he'd be happy to get 30%. Of course, he won't tell you that, but we will.
  9. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Yes, I see the violations already.

    And, since he's going to have his recorder ready, I'm sure that means that he won't mind if you're recording, also.

    So, all those nice violations like reaging and promising an action he can't take will be ripe for the picking.
  10. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    The race is on. Many are running scared as consumer have figured out they can get away with not paying them, when a company charges 185% for a 2 week loan people should not pay them at all and they all will have to close the doors.

    Many pay day scums are getting closed or closing.

    I hope they all are closed, it should be illegal to steal peoples money like that.

    From what I read CA's dont even want to help collect PDL bills anymore because they have found that consumers are gainign knowledge and fighting back. CA's have a hard time validating a PDL.

    If you have a pay day loan reporting, DV the hell out of them and watch them go away. Along with filing with your AG, their AG and the BBB, many fold like a cheap shirt.

    I am sure many people in the know would love to get paid thousands for violations by these thieves.
  11. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    If enough people get paid several thousand dollars, the JDBs won't buy the paper any more, leaving the loan company holding the bag. They won't stay in business long, either.
  12. debts

    debts Banned


    Some consumers will pay and some want.The ones that don't will live with a negative on their reports.None of the accounts we are buying are charge off accounts.Most accounts are 4 to 24 months old.
  13. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I've read this thread several times and all I can surmise is this is some type of joke. Someone correct me . . .
  14. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Remember what P. T. Barnum said....
  15. debts

    debts Banned

    It's no joke
  16. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    All I can say is that I hope Mr. JDB got a good deal on them or knows how to get summary judgements quickly because even over on the InsideArm board (for Collection agents) they were complaining about what a waste of time those were. I mean P.T. Barnum's observation about how often a fool is born aside, (and debts can correct me if I'm wrong), these sold debts don't usually come with sufficient documentation to stand up to much resistance by the consumer (a.k.a. debtor).

    If they request Validation, that's difficult.

    If they go to court, chances are, the debtor will probably be a no-show (90%), but the 10% that do can cost you more than you might ever collect from the 90% you managed to get a summary judgement against. For the target demographic (i.e. people who go to PayDay loan places in the first place) a negative line on their credit report is the least of their concerns.

    So, that leaves force of persuasion (i.e. dunning phone calls and letters). That's pretty low-cost until you start adding $1000 (or more) for each of the FDCPA lawsuits that are filed for FDCPA violations.

    Fortunately for Mr. JDB, he only has to collect on 10-20 to recoup his initial investment so if he can do that without racking up too much in legal costs, he might get some money back. Unfortunately, if any of his new contacts come to this board for advice, he can count on losing the collection (best case) or losing the law suit (worst case).

    Happy collections!
  17. debts

    debts Banned


    Most consumers will hope we will go away.We will give the consumer a chance to pay.If the consumer stone wall on paying we will sue in small claims court.The best part we are in California and we can post it in the local newspaper for four weeks and if you don't answer we get a default judgment.
  18. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Are you sure?
  19. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    I just sent you a P.M.
  20. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    Like I said, that and .50 will still barely get you a doughnut when you consider the target demo.
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