Listen Up Consumers

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by debts, Oct 16, 2007.

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  1. debts

    debts Banned


    Whatever it cost me is just a write off on my taxes.If anyone on this board ever had Ace check cashing loan will know in the terms section it will say in black and white that if you change your address you must notify Ace.So if a consumer did not pay Ace and move without contacting Ace that is attempt to defraud a creditor by hiding.
  2. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    Mr. debt have you checked to see how many judgements are collected on?If you want to make a living there are plenty of better ways.Before the internet bill collecting was a lot easier because debtors did not have excess to all the information that is available today.Why do you think you were able to buy 500k of unpaid debt for 500 or 5,000?You are probably the kind of person who could be talked into buying some ocean front property in arizona.
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Are we done yet?

    I will just add that I hope this thread ends soon, this is a valueless discussion, and is just going nowhere.

    debts, good luck with your venture. I'm sure you've posted this message on many boards looking to generate desire to pay (from what may be perceived to be a target audience). You've made your "offer", it is now up to any applicable debtor if they want to accept that offer.

    However your new venture plays out, who knows. You've made a business decision and investment, for better or for worse, end of story.

    I hope we can all get back to helping one another, and adding useful information and advise, to those who need it.
  4. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    This has got to be the most fact-deficient post you have made yet, and there are plenty of runners up.

    First, Your California Judgment will get quickly overturned because the California Courts have no jurisdiction over a New York Resident for a transaction conducted in New York. Just bringing the suit in California is a FDCPA violation which will cost you a Grand.

    Second, Service by Publication has to be permitted by the Judge - after you have made diligent efforts to personally serve the defendant You can't just take out an ad in the newspaper.

    Third, If the defendant no longer resides in the jurisdiction where the summons is published, the publication is void, and is a FDCPA violation.

    I hope I am counted as one of the dozen consumers who would eat you alive in Court mentioned by Creditone above.

    The idiocy of your whole premise almost makes me want to go get a check cashed at Ace so I can become one of your targets. I could use a couple of Grand. Christmas is coming.
  5. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Horse manure. Regardless of whether it is or isn't, it still does not invalidate FDCPA nor does it invalidate the Doctrine of Personal Jurisdiction, which you seem to have no understanding of. For your edification, I have posted it here in CN.
  6. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    Fly, you sure are one of thise, this nutcase seems to think he can sue people in California, I didnt want to be the one to tell him but he has to sue in the jurisdiction of the defendant.
    He doesnt understand that no judge would allow anyone to get a default judgement on an ad taken out in a California newspaper when the defendent is 2k mile away. This would be a quick appeal, change of juridiction and the plaintiff would lose big time.
    Not my board but I can see this fruit has allot of learn and needs to find a corner somewhere. I only wish I had a bad loan with Ace, I could use some extra cash !!
    Ace man, you dont not want to deal with Fly or the various others here, they will eat you for a snack and make a ton of money doing it.
    The only chance you have is to find a consumer who is about as dumb as they get, with all of us helping each other and fighting collectors every day and winning, there wont be many left.
    Real simple, do you really think people would contact you from a repair board, answer- hell no--- why because we teach them to defeat you and get some cash too.
    Your really need to find something else to do because you have no clue of the violations you have already chalked up with just your thoughts.
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