82 Point FICO Score Increase in 8 Days! That's Right... Click Here

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by finc, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Still waiting...

    I'm still waiting for some of the sage advice that gets these incredible results of FICO score increases.....
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You're going to be waiting a while . . .
  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    ...probably forever.
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    and you're probably right! (But we knew that, didn't we!)
  5. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Yes, we did.

    Funny how when too many questions get asked they all disappear, isn't it?
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You know, that is the most common thing we hear from our clients. Usually, by the time they get to us they've spoken with a few other "companies." What they typically say is that we're they only ones who are able to answer their questions. I find that disturbing insofar as I imagine most people are naive enough just to go ahead with the aforesaid companies.

    I mean would you go a doctor that couldn't tell you how a procedure works? How about taking a prescription without knowing what it does? Same applies here, if they can't answer questions don't do business with them. And if we couldn't answer questions, we wouldn't do this . . .
  7. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    I hate it when you go to a doctor and he asks what is wrong. Isn't that what he's supposed to tell me?

    I agree, if someone can't answer my questions I certainly wouldn't do business with them.

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