
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Argento, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. Argento

    Argento Well-Known Member

    I've been restoring my credit for a little less than a year and have made good progress. But there is more work to be done.

    When I started in Jan07, I had the following:\

    - 1 BK (All 3 CRA's)
    - 1 CO (All 3)
    - 2 JDB/CA's (All 3)
    - 2 Judgments (All 3)
    - 2 CA's (All 3)
    - 3 Utility Negs (All 3)

    I had no credit cards.

    Today, EQ is the best with only the CO (The Tar Baby - Crap One). EX & TU have the BK and the CO.

    I got new Chase Visa and Nordstroms accounts. And just today I applied online and was instantly approved for a Macy's TL.

    When I started out I knew nothing about Credit Restoration and the Law. Today I feel empowered. Yes, there is a long way to go (Want to get Crap One off, but I don't think that it's all that necessary now), but mostly it will be continuing to restore (1-2 more bank cards; new car for a revolving TL).

    The thing that surprised me was that as I met resistance from the CRA's and CA's/JDB's, my persistence and resolve only increased. I knew that I created my situation, but really became pissed off as I came to understand how the Credit Industry had mutated into this horrible entity whose sole purpose was to keep me in the 'sub-prime' category.

    I had this 'ah-ha' moment early on when I realized this and decided that even though I had created my situation, I wasn't going to be an idle pawn and let 'them' continue to screw me with bad credit and criminal interest rates. I didn't feel a moral obligation to pay anything back because the industry participants did not have the inclination to reward my making amends. So I said 'screw them'.

    So began the journey. I decided that once I was able to begin getting new credit that I would remember and NOT recreate the situation and that I would honor my relationship with my new creditors. The past is the past, and my present actions create my future.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Good job . . .

    With that said, if you have been disputing things correctly (Capital One and the JDB's) you should have some causes of actions that would readily give rise to a civil action. I'd suggest you institute that if you're not going to pay them (which I don't blame you whatsoever if you don't do).
  3. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your progress!

    I am alot like you when I first started repair, I had alot of negative accts and a Chap 7 BK.

    I have managed to clear most everything up except for a lone utility CO on Exp and the Bks (moral thing, I know).

    Everything else has been deleted or made accurate.

    It took, as you know, ALOT of work. I had one really resistant CO by Verizon Wireless that I could not get to budge. I finally posted a message on Planetfeedback to thier CEO's and got a call, the next day from one of thier higher ups.

    Now it's a paid CO, but at least its not a loose noose hanging out there.

    May I recommend, since you have your Equifax totally clean, maybye check out some credit unions that pull Eq in your state?
    Penfed pulled Eq for me in Texas (they denied me though for walkin like a egyptian, lol, another story)
    I beleive NASA pulls EQ here in Texas too. I plan to apply with them soon.
    Both these CU's have sweet cash rewards CC's that I plan to be mine someday.
    Plus CU's are awesome for other things as well, CD's, auto loans, LOC's lol.

    They don't like alot of new accts though so since you only have a few maybye you should give one a try.

    Of course you may not live in Texas so CU's for you may vary.

    Right now I am letting my accts age and paying a dental bill down. Then I am applying for NASA and Penfed only.

    Just an idea, Good luck!
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member


    Congrats on the good work, and the results. Just stick to it, the results will come.

    I have a framed print, directly at eye level in my office, which says:

    The Difference Between A Successful Person And Others Is Not A Lack Of Strength, Nor A Lack of Knowledge, But Rather In A Lack Of Will"

    and often that is all it comes down to!
  5. Argento

    Argento Well-Known Member

    Great quote, BIZ. Think I'll "borrow it"

  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    That is a good quote. I need that about now. I've had a really bad time at work and am starting to look around.
  7. johnr1945

    johnr1945 Member

    I like your quote but whom are you quoting? If it's original you should take credit. If not, you should GIVE credit.

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