Off topic of sorts, it's hard being good

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Tegleg, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    I am in limbo......

    Awaiting my current credit lines to update as paid except for the dental bill that I am paying every month. Really nice is that my Furturetrust MC had it's limit cut from 1500 to 500. Which is just great as I pif every month and never carry a balance. I have had nothing but excellant usage of that account. Peeps at Barclay are psychotic, that is the highest maitenance card I have ever had. They say it's because I have too many new accounts.

    I don't have very many accts but all are in the last year so I guess thats why. Pretty sorry reason though as the Futuretrust was my last card I got.
    Why didn't they just give me 500 to start with? bah! To the sockdrawer you go!

    Trying to pay extra on the dental bill every month to pay it down so that I don't have a large amount to get a loan for in Sept 08 when the interest free promo expires.

    Still trying to figure out what to do with the above balance in Sept 08. Thinking about a loc with my bank or a credit union anything but the high interest rate with Carecredit.

    Old CO finally reporting as a paid one.

    Only 3 baddies left all on Exp. Can't do much with those until they are fully SOL. One is a utility that I have battled and battled, they say I owe 120.00, I say I paid it. The other 2 are medical bills that insurance was to pay. They total maybye 400.

    I have disputed, wrote letters and nada, they won't budge. At least its just one CRA not all 3. Totally frustrated with them, going to wait awhile before I tackle them again.

    Awaiting my Inq to settle down. Now more apps for a long bit. I am after a good cash reward card eventually and need to not be labeled as "pyramiding debt" My old bk from 2002 is bad enough. Although it's over 5 yrs old now.

    Going to open an IRA with NASA and get some history going there.
    Have a savings with Penfed building history.

    Those are the 2 CU's I am after.

    So for now I wait & continue to PIF every month and keep all paid on time.

    I am watching evil finance company closely to make sure they don't change thier TL that shows paid/0 balance. Nothing so far & no letters from IRS about the old 1099. Hopefully thats over with /crosses fingers & toes

    Just a rant, nothing else.
  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Sigh, I shouldn't have read this :) Nor should I have applied for the FutureTrust M/C. Now I have to buy something with it :) HA HA! Just kidding.

    I opened a ROTH IRA with E-Trade, they have no fee's and no minimums, and over 1000 mutual funds with no transaction fees.
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes we all need that! Keep up the good work!

    Take a breather and a break on the Exp stuff. Clear the head and go back at them when you're ready. There's always a way.
  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    I agree. A break may be just what you need.
  5. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Thanks y'all. I feel better.

    Collectman, I guarantee you Barclay's is more psychotic than your worst debtor! Lol.

    Got an alert from Scorewatch today, Equifax FICO has increased 15 points! yay! Now I get to wait more. Alot more. And then some more....

    No more itchy fingers! Slap my hand if I get the itch to apply for a cash rewards card too soon!

  6. gmanfsu

    gmanfsu Well-Known Member

    I would advise you to carry like a $20 balance every month. You don't want zeroes reporting to the CRA's. I was doing that with my Target card. I missed paying before the statement date one month and showed a $30 balance on a $300 CL. My scores went up about 10-15 points across the board...

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