paid off but neg still there..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by geekpipe, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. geekpipe

    geekpipe Well-Known Member

    so i paid off 6 cards totally (yay!) 4 this month and 2 this past april. Problem is that the 2 from april (BESTBUY & HP SHOPPING - HBCARD)each have a 30 and 60 day on them. How is the best way to approach removing the lates or the whole line?

    As for the other 4 paid this month...2 have lates in there. What should i do for them as they have not yet updated the credit reports. The 2 cards are Cap1 and Household Card

    Thanks Kevin
  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Are they showing as paid accounts? Technically, the information is accurate, if the account was 30-60 days late at one time. If you were to dispute more than likely they will come back verified.
  3. geekpipe

    geekpipe Well-Known Member


    yes showing paid... but of course i wish the 30/60 was not there. is there anything i can do? suggestions?

    is it best to close all these accounts with now $0 balances and high APR or that will hurt me too? Just want 1 card with like 20k limit...
  4. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    You can always try a goodwill letter. Some companies will oblige if you've been a good customer otherwise.

    Good luck!
  5. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    I thought there was a letter to try, but I couldn't remember the name of it. I wouldn't close the accounts, just don't use it.
  6. geekpipe

    geekpipe Well-Known Member

    so goodwilli s only way? how do you send this via mail and ensure it gets into the right persons hands?
  7. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    I don't know if Goodwill is the *only* way, but it can work under the right circumstances. As for addresses, you can look them up online. I always go with the "customer service" address instead of an address for payment or inquiries... they seem to be a bit better equipped for these sorts of things.
  8. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Don't overlook calling and trying to request a goodwill removal of the lates. Sometimes they will remove 30 days, if it's close. You may have trouble with the 60 day late, but it never hurts to ask. Even if you get 1 or 2, you're ahead!
  9. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't close the accounts, either. It helps your history and your utilization.

    Use each one occasionally (every few months) for a couple of tanks of gas or something, then pay if off. That keeps the account active.
  10. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Definitely agree, o not close the accounts, and show some activity. In the long run maintaining the account will help your credit score.

    As a note, "30 day lates" are not considered "serious", the 60 day lates are. I would try "goodwill requests" for removal. But the impact of these negatives will decrease with time, and it won't take that long.
  11. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Especially if it's the only bad mark. Keep your accounts current and your balances low and your score will bounce back fairly quickly.
  12. amyfico911

    amyfico911 Banned

    BestBuy is an HSBC company and they ALWAYS verify, Dont Dispute the account, that looks even WORSE that just the late payments, and credit repoair companies, all they do is send out a dispute letter and anything not verifiable will come off but almost evverything is verified and will not only stay on but now shoe up as CONSUMER DISPUTED ACCOUNT. There is however a 3rd route, if you are interested i can send you some information, these people actually PERMAMENTLY DELTE the late payments, even though they are verifyable. EMAIL REMOVED BY MOD
  13. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is...
  14. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Yea, you go ask them to fill out a fraud affidavit with the local police department. Sure, under the FCRA it must be blocked but, it is also at least a misdemeanor. Still, the Credit Service Organizations are the crooks, right?

    Also, an account marked as being in dispute will not be calculated into your credit scores. This is a good thing as is the notation itself insofar as it enables a reviewer to see that something isn't absolutely correct.

    Geez . . .
  15. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    But when all you're trying to do is spam a board with advertisments of your "services," why would you care about the way things really work?
  16. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Because I'm an awful bastard that can't quote . . .
  17. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Oh, I forgot that part. :)

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