Default Judgement

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MsLawdy, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. MsLawdy

    MsLawdy Member

    Question ? If someone falsely get a default judgement against you, and it it vacated by the courts, can you have that TL removed from your CR with the proof it was vacated, or does it stay there?
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    If it was vacated, then the TL for the judgement shold be removed (with the evidence). But, sometimes you have to do the work of others, so dispute it w/CRAs.
  3. MsLawdy

    MsLawdy Member

    thank you I do have the evidence.
  4. jshimmer

    jshimmer Well-Known Member

    If the judgment is vacated, then you can get the entry for the judgment removed from your credit histories.

    However, the trade line from the original account is a separate matter. Just because the judgment was vacated doesn't mean that the account itself can/will be removed. Point being, a vacated judgment does not necessarily mean the account is not (still) being reported accurately.

    For example, if the judgment was vacated because you weren't properly notified of the hearing, that doesn't release you from liablity for the original account debt - it just means they have to retry their civil efforts to obtain a judgment.

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