I need the Pro's help plz

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by keyana4, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. keyana4

    keyana4 Member

    here is the thing i have really bad credit, so i have been on this board for about 2 months reading. I disputed some things on my credit report with equifax i had about 10 tradelines on my report, with 9 of them being in collections and 2 being charge off's. Only 1 good tradeline for a student loan from about 3 years ago. Anyway i disputed with equifax about a month ago, just got my results back about 4 days ago. 3 baddies came off however i have been trying to order my report threw equifax and all my tradelines are gone, only my name and addres is still there. I just called equifax and the guy told me i have no history with them, my report is blank. My question is should i try to fix this or just let it be? i am kinda happy that i have a blank report now since all i had on there was collections with the exception of one good trade line. oh and just for the record my fico is 511. Please any advice would be great.
  2. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    Well, what I would try to do contact the lender from your good TL and ask them to report it again. Leave the negs alone obviously. Where you are really going to be hurting right now is in history, which you must have for anything. No history is almost as bad as a bad history. I would open an account with someone like Orchard Bank and keep a good history with that. I don't know if this still works, but you could always try to piggy back on someone else's good credit as an authorized user.
  3. keyana4

    keyana4 Member

    Well i just open a orchard account, and also i took out a secure cd loan from my bank. Both should be reporting soon, i just hope all the baddies stay off. Has anyone had this happen to them after disputes???
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes it does happen, it can be something as small as a different address which throws everything out, or perhaps someone fingers the report wrong on data entry.

    You've caught a break, a "clean slate" (literally!). Just start gaining new credit, slowly, and manage it well. In a short time you will have a solid and clean credit report.

    Say an extra "thanks" at Thanksgiving!
  5. keyana4

    keyana4 Member

    This is just crazy... i had about 10,000 in debt, this is just to good to be true. i hope nothing comes back.
  6. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    Don't apply for any more credit right now. Build on those two, get the secured unsecured, and raise your cl's. Then apply for more in moderation.
  7. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    I really hope those stay gone for you, that would be wonderful! Are you female by chance? And do you have Tradelines (old or new) in your current & previous name? There is a reason I am asking. No, I'm not just being nosy, lol.

    I have to share an experience I had when 1st starting credit repair. I had a similar thing happen with my TU report. I had disputed old names/addys etc and nearly all my TL's just dissappeared. I was shocked to say the least.

    I went looking for answers and found out that my file was prob "split", in essesnce that I had 2 seperate reports under my SSN. This can be an issue when you apply for credit because you don't know which report the creditor may get. Will they get the empty one? or the original one?

    I called and asked TU if I had more than one report and after pulling up by my SSN they said I only had one. I was happy, but remained suspicious. My credit report stayed that way for about 4-5 monthes. Then I noticed the lost tradelines slowly coming back.

    2 monthes ago I received a TU report by mail & low and behold on the first page it stated there were 2 reports. One was in my current name & the other was my previous name.

    I don't want to be the bearer of potentially bad news but I do want you to know a split file is a big possibility and those old tradelines may possibly return at a later date.

    For now, take the advice above but be careful of applying for alot of credit. Get some positive tradelines going & sit back and wait for the scores to rise.

    Do you have access to all 3 reports? To see what is reporting on all 3?
    How old were the baddies? You only mentioned Equifax, have you seen your Transunion & Experian reports? The reason I ask is because you will have to dispute baddies with each credit reporting agency. And different creditors will pull Equifax, some pull Transunion & others pull Experian. And sometimes they may pull a combination of 2 or all 3.

    I wish you much luck & hope everything turns out well for you!
    Just want you to be aware of what could happen.

    Best of luck,
  8. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    I might also work on getting your old report cleaned up. However, be careful as you don't want to wake any sleeping giants.
  9. keyana4

    keyana4 Member

    Well guys GUESS WHAT my old trade line's are coming back and they block me from seeing my equifax report on line. THIS SUCKS!!!! well it was good while it lasted. I think tegleg spoke to soon, about my tradelines coming back... This credit thing is really stressing me out i am 25 and my credit is just so bad. Some time i just feel like saying "F" it i am the type of person to give up so easy. I feel like everything else is good in my life. I have my degree, great job, great boyfriend but sucky credit it is just depressing......... I am sorry guys i haveing one of those days... just venting
  10. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear that Keyana4,

    Listen, the best thing to do is to look at your 3 credit reports and make a list of the baddies, theres alot of info stickied up top that will help you break down the baddies and figure out how to approach them. Sounds like you have done some already. It will take alot of time, no way around it but with persistance you will eventually see progress.

    Don't forget about the other parts of credit repair, budgeting to keep everything up to date & applying for some new credit to get some positive TL's going. Just don't go app crazy, inquiries stay on your report for 2 years.

    It's very easy to get frustrated, when things get too tense take a lil break from it.

    Post problems in this forum, there are lots of peeps here.

    Best of luck,

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