Need a little help please

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by srk, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. srk

    srk Member

    I sent out 2 PFD's and recieved a letter back not sure excatly what Im suppose to do next or if the letter I got back is legit. Please let me know what yall think. It was on there letter head and sent back to me certified mail.

    Heres the letter :

    Dear Mr. S.,
    I received your letter on Nov. 7th 2007, concerning your accounts. You ask that if you pay by money or or cashiers check would I delete off your credit within 10 days. I have contacted the OC and have explained your request. They have agreed to the deletion only if you pay your total that you owe which is $243.00 by cashiers check or money order only. I noticed that you did not send the same request for your 147xxxx account ( Which I did not know about until 11/11/07) You were notifed of this debt also.

    Once payment is recieved from you, you will need to send a dispute through the CB's (EX,EQ,TU), in order for me to delete. I know that you asked for this to be done within 10 days but this will be up to you to send me the dispute first via internet. I am only schedueled to report to the CB's once a month, since you are requesting this to be done sooner, you will need to contact the CB's via internet and send a dispute. When I report to the CB's our system only reports new accounts and payments, it will not let me do deletions. Once this has been done and I have sent in the request for deletion to all the CB's, I have to let you know that it can take anywhere from 30-90 days for this to upload on the CB's side and I have no control of that. I will make a copy of the deletion and keep on file for proof that I did delete from your credit within 10days from your request for deletion via interent through the CB's . If you have any questions regarding or need further assistance on your accounts, please call us.

    Singed by her
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    It says they're agreeing to delete for payment looks like there are two to pay here. What they are also saying is that in order to delete, per your request of 10 days, you must dispute, so that they can "not" verify.

    Short story, pay both w/cashier's check, then give a week to clear, then dispute with all credit reporting agencies. And, hold onto this letter!
  3. srk

    srk Member

    Thanks, actually there are 3 accounts one for $108, $102 and $33. Should I get one money order or cashiers check for all 3 or should I get one for each. Also how do I dispute with each CB online ? What would I put for a reason in the dispute section ? This is the first time doing any of this so I have a bunch of questions.
  4. Dark Jedi

    Dark Jedi Active Member

    One for each, and clearly labeled with the account number! And keep your stubs.

    never leave them room to make mistakes, deliberate or otherwise.
  5. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Very good advice!!
  6. srk

    srk Member

    Thanks again ,do I need to send them certified mail and do I need to send any kinda of letter with them ? Also when disputing with the CB what do I say in the reason for dispute section ?
  7. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    To cover all bases, send the checks certified mail, but include a copy of the letter they sent, and HIGHLIGHT the deletion sections. I would insert a letter restating the agreement of payment made within 10 days, and collection agency will ensure deletion.

    As for a dispute reason, start off with "Not Mine", it is the simplest, since they say they will not verify.

    P.S. Good job on this one!
  8. srk

    srk Member

    Thanks once again for all the help . Will be typing up another letter this weekend and sending them there postal money orders first thing Monday morning. Will keep everyone updated. Also waiting on another PFD I sent to another CA, hopefully that one will work as good as the others then all I will have left is a 30 day late on my CR.

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