I am pissed off..sending this off to Applied Card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Epitomee, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    Love that royal we.

    I seems as though you are doing all of the attacking. I merely asked you to distinguish your posts from mine. I guess that was offensive to you.

    Is there anything at Infintecredit these days?
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    We means us or more that one. That is appropriate insofar as our company is composed of more than one person.

    I see that you won't address anything substantive when shown that what you've said is incorrect. Reminds me of a certain poster from debtorboards. You're remark as to infinitecredit seems indicative that you do not care for that board. The certain poster from debtorboards surely does not but, I digress.

    I think it is clear to all who read this post what is and what isn't offensive. If you choose to spin that and not acknowledge it, that is fine.
  3. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    I have nothing against Infinitecredit at all; just commenting that it seems to be rather dead, so the effect of still being included might just be minimal.

    Now, is Apex one person or several? Would be nice to know who we are dealing with. Are you represented here as yourself or your company? Either way, the conflict of interest is worth noting.

    I have no problem with the conflict if it is properly and regularly acknowledged.

    That's fair isn't it?
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    I think I answered that. Our LLC is comprised of more than one person.

    How is there a conflict of interest present here may I ask? Our advice is the same whether it comes from an individual or a corporate entity. A corporation is an individual thus, there cannot be a conflict.

    Moreover, we are not "representing" anyone here or discharging any legal advice. There cannot be a conflict under the MRPR or otherwise. We have no duty to anyone here.

    With that said, would it matter if your advice came from you individually or from your firm?

    In any event, this is just another example of failing to stay on topic via anything posed to you.

    I can see this is going nowhere and it has grown tiresome.
  5. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    A single individual.
  6. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Good. Now let's move forward in the spirit of getting to move deserved threads. We'll can agree to disagree on a great many things.
  7. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    I suggested that a number of posts ago.

    (Apex -1, -2, -3, or -4?)
  8. boo68

    boo68 Member

    Disputed with CRAs

    I did have a credit card through what was Cross Country Bank. I didn't have bad credit (I think they sent it because I didn't have credit yet) until I got this card. Anyway. I started out with about a $300 credit limit which was just about maxed out when I received the card due to the start up fees. No matter I paid it and was always on time paying extra and paying it off from time to time (in the good days of my employment we received some nice bonuses) Anyway.. a legal issue came my way and my funds were all tied up paying legal bills and such. I called CCB, and explained that I was late (my first payment) and would they please reverse the fee so I could get caught up (they charge you the regular minimum, plus the late fee, they refused and said it was a legitimate fee.. well I couldn't pay, soon I was over the limit, and I again tried to negotiate a deal so I could get caught up. Refused. So I had no choice, stopped paying I wasn't getting anywhere was paying for nothing. About a year and a half later, I recd. a letter from a collector and negotiated a settlement. My balance then was $1950 I paid $1560 and thought I was done with them. Bought a house and saw it was still on there with a balance of $2171. I got out my letters (proof) from the creditor I negotiated with, and sent them all to the CRAs saying that this needs to be updated to reflect a $0 balance. They wrote me back that they contacted the bank and the debt is confirmed as reporting accurately. Again I wrote another letter to the CRAs with the supporting documentation.. again I was refused the correction. So I contacted my Attorney General and I was told to contact the Commission of BAnking in Delaware since that is where the credit card is registered to. Well I did contact them and sent all of my documentation. Last week I got a phone call from Applied Bank (formerly CCB) they will delete the line. Finally success... but.. I am paying a higher interest rate on my house because they reported this for over 4 years after it was paid/settled. Good Luck
  9. boo68

    boo68 Member

    oh and I forgot to mention that for every increase in credit they charged a fee of $100 per increase. I just didn't know better. I certainly could have qualified for a better company credit card.
  10. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    How much of a heightened interest rate can you attribute to ACB? I only ask insofar as it may behoove you to consider instituting a civil action againt it.
  11. boo68

    boo68 Member

    I will have to wait and see when they actually update my credit report to see the increase in my credit score I suppose. I would guess about 1% since my husband's credit is/was in the 700s when we applied for our mortgage. I will keep you posted. It has been a nightmare trying to do the right thing.. and then waiting for them to get with the program and report it properly. I would love to know where the $2171 came into play though...

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