The product you purchased would it be classified as a consumer, ie househould, family or personal use or used solely for business purposes?
Many things that one can purchase are dual use, so the answer to this may not lead anywhere substantive. Not sure where you are trying to take this, though. Could you expand?
Got a collection letter from RMS in Naperville, IL. Added a 10% fee. "This account may be forwarded to the D&B credit database.
Printer (more of a small inexpensive personal printer than business). The rebate allowed for 1 printer if individual and 2 or more if business. I got 2.
Just to cover all the basics, did you make sure you completed all the requirements for the rebate(s)? Often there are details of rebate receipt, ID number from box, etc. When you called the 800 number re: rebate status, what did they tell you?