I had a credit card with Chase with a 4K limit that I defaulted on. It is now listed on my CR as a Chargeoff by Chase. But I see that there is another tradeline listed by Unifund for the same account. Can this be done? I have asked for validation from Unifund and am waiting for it. I am thinking now that I should get with Chase about listing it since it's been sold/transferred to Unifund. Any ideas would be appreciated.
How is Chase reporting it? Has Unifund contacted you? have you disputed the Unifund entry on your CR through the CRA itself?
I have received no contact from Unifund. Chase reports as a chargeoff, $0 balance. Unifund reports as a collection/chargeoff with a bal of $6567. Same account though. It even shows acct# "Chase-41xxx" under the Unifund listing. I haven't contacted Chase but I have disputed with the CRA over the Unifund listing and am waiting for a response. I've asked validation from Unifund as well.
In the worst case, it can be reported three times: 1) the OC showing a chargeoff 2) the CA showing a collection 3) if they go to court and get a judgement, a public record of the judgement.
Unifund has purchased this account from Chase. Chase should be reporting paid, zero balance and transferred/sold. Chase typically verifies everything but, look at the date of major first delinquency/date of status. Compare that to the account history and premise your request for re-investigation. Unifund is probably reporting an "open" account type, past due 120 days, delinquent balance, data factoring, etc. Can't do any of that insofar as they are a debt purchaser. Use this to premise a dispute through the credit reporting agencies. I would also request validation if you haven't been contacted, which you haven't, because you can still avail yourself to the applicable 30 day window. Be forewarned that they are litigious. However, if they sue you and you do as prescribed above you would have offsets in terms of counter-claims.
You guys are incredible!! Chase is reporting an invalid date of delinquency so you are correct there. And also Unifund IS reporting the account as being opened this year, 120 days late. I actually defaulted in mid 2005. Chase is saying "reported 12/2006"...Unifund shows open 4/2007.
Contact Unifund and request validation and throw out therein the inaccurate way they are reporting the account tradeline. Dispute the account tradeline through the credit reporting agencies as set forth above. Chase is out of the loop but, you can always dispute their tradeline as described above.