I can't believe the stories i'm reading on here.I just settled up with over 6 creditors for 10 cents on the dollar,all credit card debt and it was tough at first but they caved in.They tell you they are going to take you to court and do whatever else they say but in the scheme of things that stuff costs money and who wants to waste more money on you after you defaulted on them.If you want to stop the harrassment buy a tape recorder and let them know they being recorded for legal purposes and watch how their tone changes when speaking with you from now on.I would do this everytime they call and don't forget everytime you have to let them they are being recorded and watch how their tone of voice changes and you will see the threats will stop and maybe the calls will to.If your credit is shot due to credit card debts and loans and the rating on your credit file is a R9 i wouldn't give creditors more then 10 cents on the dollar.If they tell you your rating will change after you settle or pay them that is not true.I have answers to people's questions to these matters if they need help.
Oops, seems as soliciting Joe is bye-bye . . . Probably will come back under a different name. Anyone can settle their own debts, just call the creditor. As for Citibank, 50% to 60% is the norm. Just call them.
Funny thing is that he was based in Canada. There laws, and probably techniques that work, aren't the same as ours. Beware of anyone who keeps saying he or she can help but doesn't give any advice.