How do authorized users.....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by greg1045, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    ....get on credit reports/have history?
    While the sole owner of a credit card might add his wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend or whoever on the card as an authorized user, the crediit card is only asking for the name of the authorized user, but not his/her SS number.
  2. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    They don't need the SSN. As long as they have the other info, it will match up.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Seems odd but, they appear almost without fail.

    Who knows how they do it but, they do it. Seems strange that only a name leads the way but, it does.
  4. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member

    Hey, Apex, you're the AU expert. My father put me on two of his cards about 2-3 months ago (a Discover and a Visa, both with high limits and low usage). As of today, they haven't shown up on any of my credit reports. How long does this take???
  5. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You need to get his address on your reports. Sounds as though the credit reporting agencies are blocking the accounts from reflecting on your reports until their is an address match. In other words, they presume that they're reported in error.

    Some creditors report the address of the account, some do not. When they do and you don't have a match, the credit reporting agencies sometimes block it.

    Discover usually takes two reporting cycles as well.
  6. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member

    Thank you for responding. I'll make sure that his address gets on my CRs.
  7. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member

    Next question: how do I get them on my credit reports? TU and EX are asking for "proof" before they'll add the address (government ID, paystub, utility bill). Im wondering if it's easier for my dad to add my address to those accounts.

    You know this kind of irritates me. Both of them had no problem with adding a collection account for something that was proved identity theft years ago and adding the incorrect address for that account. Again that address was removed years ago. But, for something good, oh God forbid they should add an address.
  8. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    First, please understand that taking this question personally can lead to a misconception of what is really going on.

    With the sale of seasoned trade lines gaining attention in the credit reporting industry, the authorized user issue has moved to the margins of acceptability in their eyes. FICO and the CRAs are using their procedures to trap-out what they consider to be a gaming of the system. Expect more actions as they sort through what they see as attempts to beat the scoring models. The consumer should not bet on a static reality.

    No one has ever accused a CRA of being consistent in its approach to doing business.
  9. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Care to elaborate on what the CRA's and Fair Isaac are doing and the legal implications of the aforesaid procedures you reference? I'm interested to hear that and why you beleive that the reporting of AU accounts cannot be considered static . . .

    To the OP, enroll in True Credit. Login, go to the "my account" tab. In the previous address field, put your Dad's address and hit update. Refresh your report in 24 hours. I bet they'll show up.

    Again, sometimes creditors report the account address. If that address is absent, they sometimes block it. The above puts the address on file. It should report to Experian first and then filter down.
  10. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    Fairly simple: Action - Reaction.

    They don't like what's gong on, so they change the way that it is done.

    New ways need then to be developed to get around the revised procedures.

    It's a never-ending process.

    Legal implications? The procedures are theirs. As long as the changes they make are not illegal; i.e., prohibited by law, then they are legal. That's a fairly common understanding of the legal landscape, isn't it?

    If you view their actions otherwise, it is up to you to challenge them and provide the statutory rationale for your claim.

    It's been my experience that that's the way it works.

    My comment was that AUs have "moved to the margins of acceptability in their eyes."

    You have jumped to the conclusion that a questioning of acceptability equates to defining as illegal, and that I was doing both the questioning and the defining.

    That is your interpretation, not my statement. Please reread carefully.

    Do not read into my words something that is not there.

    If the results that an entity is seeing are unacceptable, they are perfectly at liberty to change how they go about business. If it impacts what you do or the money you can make, then it is up to you to respond -- or react; your choice. Any whining is just that, whining.

    It is an unfortunate choice to think that reality is static. One who does so tends to get overtaken by events. Assume that the CRAs and FICO won't change, and you WILL be left behind.
  11. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    Now, having indulged in this little diversion, why not get back to the topic at hand.
  12. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member

    Thanks, Apex. I'm already on True Credit, so I just did it. I'll be looking. Hopefully it will happen. If/when it does I'll send you cookies. :)
  13. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Actually, I just asked you to expound a little. Sorry.
  14. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member


    I did it, and not being the patient sort, I refreshed it and bang-zoom!!! There they both were!! On both EX and TU, two lovely new tradelines with high limits and low usage (8 to 10%). Heck, now I regret that I pulled my FICOs on Friday. Both the EX and TU FAKOs jumped (25 and 50 points, respectively), but that has no relation to real life.

    Man, I really love my daddy.
  15. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Good ain't I . . .
  16. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member

    Absolutely, you ROCK. I'm glowing in the pleasure of EX finally being out of the 500s*. Hopefully. I should just bit the bullet and get my FICOs again.

    *Experian is evil. They'll put anything on your report and it's hell to get it off.
  17. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    The fact that your FAKO's raised is indicative of the fact that they were being blocked.

    Too bad other companies don't know this because we get a considerable amount of folks that complain about lines never reporting.

    We don't have those issues.
  18. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member

    FICOs did as well, but in their usual way as compared to the FAKOs. In the FAKOS EX increased about 25 points and TU increased about 50. In the FICOs EX increased 47 points (woo-hoo!! it was my worst score) and TU only increased 15. At least EX is no longer 100 points below the other two.

    Did I mention that you rock??
  19. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the kind words . . .
  20. Magdalen77

    Magdalen77 Active Member

    By the way, how do I get the account on EQ? I tried logging into EQ, but because I have a fraud alert (or least I think this is why) they won't let me dispute things online. I called and requested a copy of my report. Will they let me get the ccounts on their report?? Or is EQ not acknowledging AUs?

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