question about collection letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by brentski, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. J.A.M

    J.A.M New Member

    Collection Letter from NCO

    If this account is not on your report, it might not be yours and also if they aren't reporting it may be because it's beyond the 7 year statue of Limitations for the credit bureaus to report. I'd ignore it for now.

    Also, if your govenor for your state has allowed consumers to put a freeze on all 3 of their reports do so immediately. If the freeze is put on, if a collection agency is not currently on your reports, then they can't put an entry on without your authorization.

  2. axilla

    axilla Banned

    Similar thing happened to me

    I also received a letter like this, from a different company though. I wrote a nice letter back to them, not rude, contesting the debt and asking for proof I owed the money.
    That was the end of it. Never heard from them again. I figured it was probably a simple mistake or it was a scam.
    Think about it, how many people would panic and just send a payment..lots I think.
  3. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Ignoring it, and waiting for it to appear on your report is not a good idea.

    That's not how a freeze works.
  4. brentski

    brentski Member

    account closed!!

    Amazing how you can owe $11,000 one month and nothing the next.

    I sent the letter enigma suggested at the begining of this thread to NCO 3 weeks ago.
    Today I received a letter from NCO which stated the following;
    Dear Mr. xxxx,

    Thank you for you letter regarding the account listed above.Please be advised that this account is closed in our office.

    According to our records,we have not reported the account to a credit bureau.


    Thanks so much for all the help and suggestions.

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