Unifund lawsuit in Ohio, 2 weeks to respond

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by COOKOH, Jan 3, 2008.


    COOKOH Member

    My husband received a Summons on Complaint, naming Unifund as the Plaintiffs. I've been reading up on Unifund and they appear to be at the very bottom of the low life chain. Their only exhibit is an unsigned, undated very bad copy of a credit card agreement. Since it appears they have filecases of old agreements, I doubt it's genuine. I've scanned the 3 pages of the suit and the agreement separately.
    More or less, I would like to request they verify this debt and their right to collect anything. I've seen many users here help newbies build their responses in cases like this so was hoping to find similiar help. We're just digging our way out of a huge hole we were in for 3 years due to chronic illnesses so if there's any way I can accomplish this reply myself, it would be a tremendous help. I've found great responses to start with but not for my state of Ohio. Can anybody give a hand? Thanks in advance!
    OK, I couldn't do an attachment so I made a short website with the papers.
    Thanks in advance again!
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You need to file a responsive pleading or dispositive motion. There are templates on the board. If you do not, default judgment may be taken against you.

    The point for validation has know past. A simple letter won't suffice. You can target validation during discovery if the case progesses that far.

    COOKOH Member

    How do you find a template on here other than an offer to settle or request to remove from CRA? I've searched for both suggestions from apex and even bought a "Be your own lawyer " cd. I'm in the middle of using MS Word legal pleading Wizard but would like to refer to a template or sample to be sure I do it properly. Thanks for any assistance!

    COOKOH Member

    Would this be a good response to paragraphs in general, in your opinions?
    12.Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations contained in paragraph ## of the Complaint and leave Plaintiff to its proofs.
  5. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    Yes but change the part after paragraph ## to "and demands strict proof".

    COOKOH Member

    Many many thanks!

    OK, I had each paragraph answered with that but I like your wording much better. I did still call it a Motion for More Definite Statement.

    Thanks again!
  7. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    It is not a Motion it is an Answer and has to be called such.

    Do you have any Affirmative Defenses?

    Which paragraph of the complaint is unclear? And, how is it worded?

    COOKOH Member

    OK, I did call it an answer also as suggested by the Word wizard. I'll take out the motion part then.

    All of the court docs are posted at www.amplex.net/tscook as jpg's.
    This doc will soon follow just for the purpose of discussion, at least for a short time.

    I'm not sure what you mean about affirmative defenses.
  9. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member


    [Attorney name]
    [Telephone number]

    Attorney for Defendant, [name]

    xxx Court, County of xxx
    [xxx District]

    xxxxxx ) No. xxx
    Plaintiff(s) )
    xxxxxx )
    Defendant(s) )

    Defendant, [name], answers the complaint of plaintiff, [name], in this
    action as follows:


    1. Answering paragraph 1, defendant is without sufficient information or
    belief to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph. Based on this
    lack of information or belief, defendant denies the allegations.

    2. Answering paragraph 2, defendant admits that he is an individual
    residing in xxx County, California. Defendant denies the remaining
    allegations in this paragraph.

    3. Answering paragraph 3, defendant admits [specify]. Defendant denies the
    remaining allegations in this paragraph.

    4. Answering paragraph 4, defendant admits that plaintiff is an
    individual. Defendant is without sufficient information or belief to admit
    or deny the remaining allegations in this paragraph. Based on this lack of
    information or belief, defendant denies the remaining allegations.

    5. Answering paragraph 5, defendant denies the allegations in this


    6. Answering paragraph 6, defendant realleges and incorporates by
    reference the admissions, allegations, and denials in paragraphs 1 through
    5 of this answer.

    7. Answering paragraph 7, defendant denies the allegations in this

    8. Answering paragraph 8, defendant denies the allegations in this

    9. Answering paragraph 9, defendant admits [specify]. Defendant denies the
    remaining allegations in this paragraph.


    10. Answering paragraph 10, defendant realleges and incorporates by
    reference the admissions, allegations, and denials in paragraphs 1 through
    9 of this answer.

    11. Answering paragraph 11, defendant is without sufficient information or
    belief to admit or deny the allegations in this paragraph. Based on this
    lack of information or belief, defendant denies the allegations.

    12. Answering paragraph 12, defendant denies the allegations in this

    Other Action Pending

    13. This action is barred by a prior action pending before this Court
    which involves the same transactions, issues, parties, and property that
    are the subject of the complaint. The other action is presently pending in
    this branch, Case No. xxx, filed by plaintiff against defendant. Both
    parties to this complaint have appeared in the other action. Defendant
    requests that the Court take judicial notice of the other action under
    Evidence Code section 452. A copy of the complaint in that action, filed
    [date], is attached as Exhibit A.

    Lack of Standing

    14. This complaint is barred by the fact that plaintiff lacks standing to
    bring an action. Plaintiff is not a party to the transaction and is not
    connected to the transaction. Defendant owes no duty to respond to
    plaintiff's allegations regarding the transaction.

    Fails To State Cause of Action

    15. The complaint is barred by plaintiff's failure to state a cause of
    action against defendant.


    16. The complaint is barred in whole or in part by laches.

    Unclean Hands

    17. The complaint is barred in whole or in part by plaintiff's unclean

    Equitable Estoppel

    18. The complaint is totally barred by plaintiff's role in the
    transactions that are the subject of the other action pending, the
    complaint in which is attached as Exhibit A.


    19. If any liability exists on the part of defendant to plaintiff, such
    liability is to be completely indemnified by [name]. EIGHTH AFFIRMATIVE
    DEFENSE Offset

    20. Any amount sought to be recovered in this action is barred in whole or
    in part by the amount owing from plaintiff to defendant.

    WHEREFORE, defendant requests judgment as follows:

    1. That plaintiff take nothing by the complaint, which will be dismissed
    with prejudice.

    2. That defendant recover from plaintiff costs in the amount of $ xxx.

    3. That the Court order further reasonable relief.

    Date: xxx ________________________
    [Typed name]
    Attorney for xxxxxx
  10. COOKOH

    COOKOH Member


    It seems I have a few hours of work left tonight. Here I thought I did good.
    So much for my "Be your own lawyer" package! I has suspicions when it actually said "Be your own layer" on the order page!

    I should still put "demands strict proof" completing each questionable paragraph, I'm thinking.

    Thanks enigma!
  11. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    Your Answer might look like this, but read your local rules:


    DEFENDANT XXXXX, appearing pro se, answers the complaint of Plaintiff and, in responses to each numbered paragraph thereof, states:
    1. Without knowledge.
    2. Admitted.
    3. Defendant is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the allegations contained in this paragraph and based on that denies and generally and specifically each and every allegation contained herein and demands strict proof.
    4. Defendant is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the allegations contained in this paragraph and based on that denies and generally and specifically each and every allegation contained herein and demands strict proof.
    5. Defendant is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the allegations contained in this paragraph and based on that denies and generally and specifically each and every allegation contained herein and demands strict proof.

    As to Count I:
    1. Plaintiff failed to allege ultimate facts to establish existence of a contract.
    2. Pursuant to Rule xx.xx YOUR STATE Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff failed to attach notes, bills of exchange, account statements, contracts, or other documents upon which an action may be brought.


    Signature block

    Certificate of Service Block
  12. COOKOH

    COOKOH Member

    Enigma, can you take a quick look at the docs? There's a quick question at the top of the page.

    I'll be posting a revision soon.

    It was related to how a rule should be formatted. I think I found the right one and it's in 3 parts so I made it Rule 10.D1 instead of Rule 10.D.1.

    The revision is posted now, still fine tuning.
  13. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    What's the question??
  14. COOKOH

    COOKOH Member

    It was related to how a rule should be formatted. I think I found the right one and it's in 3 parts so I made it Rule 10.D1 instead of Rule 10.D.1.

    The revision is posted now, still fine tuning.

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