experian by mail

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by grandpax5, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. grandpax5

    grandpax5 Member

    I have heard that to challenge with experian is only online now. I am currently challenging things with them but they limit you to 120 characters online. This does not give you a whole lot to explain.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    P.O. Box 9556
    Allen, TX 75013

    No reason to dispute online given the obvious limitations.
  3. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    trust me you can still dispute via snail mail.
  4. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    They aren't going to give a rat's ass about your explanation anyway so using more than 120 characters to make it is a waste of effort.

    That said, I've disputed with them by mail and online and gotten similar results either way: sometimes they correct it, sometimes they don't.
  5. grandpax5

    grandpax5 Member

    Does anybody have a current address for experian then
  6. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Its the NCAC address that Apex posted above.

    Full explanations are more so a CYA , in case one ever feels the need to sue a CRA for erroneous reporting.
  7. morell

    morell Member

    You could do both; use the 120 characters online and let it be known that a follow up is coming via e-mail or postal mail. If they care about the details, they'll look out for it!
  8. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Using both risks getting one or the other rejected for "previously investigated", especially with Experian. Do one or the other - not both.
  9. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Using both methods will also result in a 45 day re-investigation period as well.

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