I pulled my cr recently and have discovered multiple inquiries. I never give permission to pull so I'm thinking many of these are violations. I contacted an automobile dealership who had pulled and they became very nervous that I might sue. I really want exercise my rights and get these deleted and/or make the companies ante up for violations. The old posts from lizardking re: pp lawsuits is no longer available via the creditnet board. Can anyone offer tips/advice on how to proceed when going down the pp road? thanks-
If you went to a dealership and filled out a credit application, you most likely gave them permission to shop you all over the country and back. (Its usually in the fine print of the application).
I haven't car shopped in five years so I know I haven't filled out any applications. Haven't even been on a car lot since 2003. The report shows as being pulled in 2007.
...plus, I've never been to the dealer who pulled the report. Its even in another state from where I live.
Perhaps more concerning here is the question is your credit/identity being compramised? Is someone trying to use your credit?
That is what concerned me also..the poster should inquire (again) what the pull was for? They should know...(who, when, why,etc.)