I use Privacy Guard but I just found out that it only monitors inquiries and changes on my Equifax report, from NOT all three. Now I'm looking for one that will alert me for changes on all three. I was considering the one at Transunion. Anyone know who monitors all three reports for changes?
Unfortunately that might be impossible. Each monitoring outfit is an "arm" of a particular CRA - as you stated Privacy Guard/Equifax, TrueCredit is affiliated with TRansunion and Experian with another one. While their 3 in 1 reports let you look/view all three - you can only dispute items on reports that are directly affiliated with a specific monitoring outfit. It's a racket.
So if I get an inquiry generated by Equifax it will notify me OR if I get one that originated from TU or Experian it will alert me as well?
All three leave something to be desired in the realm of accuracy. If don't need a report more than once a month you can pull up your reports via the online dispute feature of the 3 cra's, or at least dipute something then receive a report in the mail.
You can update True Credit every twenty four hours and it displays all new information including inquiries.
It's the same with mine. I don't mean that. Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I'm looking for a service that will AUTOMATICALLY notify me when an inquiry is made on ANY of the three CRAs. What good does it do to monitor only one! Companies like Privacy Guard are creating a false sense of security. It makes you think if someone fraudulently applies for credit in your name you will be alerted. That's BS. You will only know if the identity thief applies for a card that uses Equifax which render it a pretty useless feature. Another ripoff perpetrated on people trying to protect their credit.