Few Potentially negative items questions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jokgga, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. jokgga

    jokgga Member

    Hey guys,

    I recently pulled up my credit report from Experian and got two potentially negative items.
    One is BLMDSNB (Bloomingdales)
    This card has 0 balance on it but is currently open.
    The status details state that 'as of Jul 2013, this account is scheduled to go to a positive status'. Why is this bad when I have no balance on it?

    The other is from a collection agency stating that I owe $205 to them.
    I never received any type of mail from them or the original party yet they (collectors) have the correct address that I am at now. If I knew, I would have def paid and I am not even sure what this bill is since I thought I paid everything. I am getting more details mailed to me, but can I do something about this since it is affecting my credit and I did not know?

    Thanks in advance

  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Keep looking, sounds like you probably had a late payment in 2006- check the account history.

    What do you mean by that, did you dispute with the CA and ask for validation? If so, while you are waiting you should dispute the tradeline with all agencies reporting it.

    Thanks in advance

  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    And if you requested information from the CA, the letter should have asked for proof that the debt is yours, an accounting of how the balance was computed, and proof that they have a right to collect the debt.
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Ask Macy's to remove it, they will providing it's only a 30 day late.
  5. jokgga

    jokgga Member

    thanks all,

    I did not dispute it, but I ask what the charges were and to mail it to my house. I am not entirely sure what it is. All I know is that I never received any bill or collection notice on it and they had my home address where I am not as well as my college address. I did receive bills from Mary Washington Hospital (the original place before CA took it) which I paid long ago (2006) and never received anything in the mail in 2007 or now, so I thought everything was taken care of.

    Regarding the Macy's (bloomingdales). Do I call their customer support and simply ask them to remove my credit restriction?

    Thanks again
  6. jokgga

    jokgga Member


    So I received the requested information from the CA regarding the $205 bill. They have my current phone number and address, yet I never knew about an outstanding balance prior to last month. It has been over a year since this was due and I did not receive any attempt nor letters to collect this amount. They simply sent it to collections. The bill does not give me any details regarding what this bill is regarding. It looks like a hospital bill and it has $355.00 in the 'other' column but '0' in the room and bed, dress, lab, etc. The current balance is $205. Which means I partially paid it.
    I do know that I went to the hospital sometime around then; however I remember paying all bills that I received and I never received another payment letter after what I thought was my last payment. This led me to believe that I paid everything yet they had this charge.
    What can I do as this affecting my credit score? Should I dispute it or ask for records of letters they sent me?

    Thanks in advance.

  7. rachael24

    rachael24 Banned

    I would ask for the records first...If that doesn't go anywhere, I would dispute. IMO
  8. jokgga

    jokgga Member

    Thanks Rachael24,

    Do you mean I should ask for records from the CA? I already got something but it does not explain anything.
    Now when I dispute, I should dispute with the credit bureaus? I know that I should never talk with the Collection Agency.

  9. rachael24

    rachael24 Banned

    Yeah see if they have any other information, and if they don't send you anything explaining, I would dispute...with the Bureaus GOOD LUCK!

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