A couple of questions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mburris, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. mburris

    mburris Active Member

    I have been going through my credit report and have a couple of questions.

    I paid off a car back in 2004.

    The Trade line is still showing no activity since April 04 and it is says
    TU and EQ the same

    Condition: Open
    Type: Auto Loan
    Status: Current

    Should i try and have this updated to closed and paid??


    I have a couple of tradelines that each CRA has different information regarding the status. Example:

    nothing shown for TU

    Exp (last reported sept 03)
    Condition: Derogatory
    Balance: $1965
    Type: Lease
    Pay Status: Collection/Chargeoff

    Condition: Closed (Paid)
    Balance: $0
    Pay Status: Current

    I would like the exp to read as EQ. anything that i can do about this??

    and lastly, the 7 year reporting limit is from the last date reported??

    thanks in advance

  2. mburris

    mburris Active Member

    any help with this??

  3. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    I'm not a credit expert by any means, just an average Jane. But I will try to help until those more knowledgable than I can drop by.

    Does the auto loan have any bad history to it? If there are multiple lates or other deragatory info on it you might dispute it & see if it drops. But be careful, if it's an old TL the history may be actually helping your score.

    If it's a positive TL with no negative history my hunch is to leave it be for now as I don't think it is hurting you. Since it is paid I think I'd leave it for now as the other baddy is hurting you worse.

    Is the Exp baddy out of sol for your state? If it is I would dispute it and hope it will fall off. Is it an original creditor or a CA? That can make a difference. You may want to wait for others to input on what would be the best dispute reason. My guess would be no knowledge of this account but Exp is the devil about refusing to reinvestigate items after the initial dispute. So plan it out to attempt it the best you can.

    I avoid apping for anything that pulls exp if I possibly can because it is my worst report.

    I hope this helps a little

  4. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    As long as its showing a -0- balance, I'd leave it alone. Murphy's Law says if you dispute a positive tradeline, it will definitely get deleted.

    Definitely dispute the EX line.

    No. Its from the Date of First Delinquency.
  5. mburris

    mburris Active Member


    thanks for the help. The car loan is all positive, so i will leave it alone.


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