Where to order Credit reports

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by katz55, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. katz55

    katz55 Active Member

    Hey guys, I am looking to get my 3 reports. I have read in here several times that the only true credit score comes from MyFICO.com. However, I have also seen posted in here that many people order directly from the bureaus. My main purpose is to get an accurate score, but I also want to analyze each of the reports separately so that I can begin to tackle the most pressing issues. I also want to see "everything" that is being reported, even if only 1 bureau is reporting it.

    Will MyFICO allow to me to view each of the reports, if so, can anybody reccomend the best package to accomplish this.

    P.S. I have noticed that some of the sites allow you to dispute directly from their site. Is disputing online thru the agencies an effective measure, or is it still best best to wite letters via certified mail and return??

    thanks in advance.
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Myfico.com has the best scores, but their reports are not great for disputes. For disputing I would order directly from each of the bureaus.

    I wouldn't dispute online through a 3rd party.
  3. ericstac

    ericstac Well-Known Member

    Here is my experience from the last five days.

    02-15-08 Ran reports from Myfico.com for Experian and Equifax, (TU didn't work)
    02-15-08 Tried online dispute through myfico.com on Experian, mailed out a dispute to Equifax, mailed a GW letter to mortgage co. for lates that shouldn't be there.
    02-20-08 this morning I have an email saying my disputes were resolved. Went to experian and sure enough a Universal/Citi credit card and two medical collections deleted.

    So online through myfico apparently does work. and it worked fast.
  4. katz55

    katz55 Active Member

    Wow. Maybe I just start off with MyFIco. Then once I start the dispute process, from what I understand, the bureaus are supposed to send me updated reports directly. Maybe, I will just wait...
  5. ericstac

    ericstac Well-Known Member

    Not sure. I know when I got the experian email notice, When I went to look at the resolutions it allowed me to look at an updated credit report. You say they will send a hard copy in the mail as well?
  6. katz55

    katz55 Active Member

    i was under the impression from various posts i've read here, that when your report is changed, they send you an updated hardcopy.

    not sure though...
  7. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    They will send you an updated copy of your report when it changes due to a dispute. Once you have a Report Number for Experian (regardless of its age), you can go to their site, select Review Report Again, enter the info, and see a real time current report.

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