Need a Little Help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KabeDerlin, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. KabeDerlin

    KabeDerlin New Member

    I bought my first new car today, I'm really excited. The guy showed me my credit report however, which, being young, I've tried to keep void of any delinquent payments. On the credit report was CIT/FHUT with an account of 200+ dollars.

    I googled this, and it is what I thought it was. A Fingerhut account. I've never bought from Fingerhut and never will buy from Fingerhut. However, my mom, some years previous, did spend a lot of money with Fingerhut using my fathers credit which went delinquent. My father and I have the same name (I'm a Jr.) Is it possible his delinquent payment jumped onto my credit by mistake? How can I get it removed?

    Thanks for any help.
  2. Dumb Bob

    Dumb Bob Well-Known Member

    You can dispute all this stuff with the provider that is reporting it as valid. I'd want Fingerhut off my credit report even if it was supposed to be a positive. Yikes!

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