Which Credit Card Is The Fastest To Obtain??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hornet1, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. hornet1

    hornet1 Member

    I would like to thank you guys for any assistance in answering this. I got approved for a Hooters card when I was approved I was told I could have it in 48 hours but now its going to be another week. I need a card that will instantly approve I can apply personally or use my company and go stated. Again thanks for any assistance. Oh almost forgot my credit is pretty good.
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Check out the posted websites here on the forum re: credit cards. There's great info there. Most of the larger CC companies can do "instant approval", and will overnight the physical card if requested (of course you have to pay for the premium shipping).
  3. hornet1

    hornet1 Member

    thanks BIZ for the info I went to Credit cards but didn't see any instant approvals.....

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