I'm looking over my credit report, and wondering about some things on it- whether or not to dispute them. One example is I have a couple of old loans on there that were discharged in a bankruptcy, but the Payment Status is simply listed as "Charge-Off", while the payment status on all of the other loans that were discharged in the BK is listed as "Debt included in or discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7, 11, or 12 ". Would it make any difference in my score if the fact that they were in the BK was specified? Also, I have a foreclosure. There is one entry that is listed as "Foreclosure proceeding started" and the account status is listed as "Open". However, the foreclosure has been completed, as there is another listing for that same account (different company name though, so not sure why that is- any ideas?) with a Payment Status of "Credit Grantor reclaimed collateral to settle defaulted mortgage" and and Account Status of "closed". It just seems to me that since the foreclosure is completed, it shouldn't be listed as still open or in progress. It also seems to me that there should really only be one listing for each account, but then, I'm not that savvy about credit reporting, hence why I ask here. Thanks for replies.
Yes it will make a difference. You would be correct. I'm not sure I understand the 2nd listing is it the same company or another? If its the same dispute it as duplicates.