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i think i screwed up

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by FourS, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. FourS

    FourS Member

    ok i just started working on my credit.... so i disputed some stuff about 10 days ago.. one of the places the oc sold the debt to a ca.. midland credit management... i defaulted at 2900 and with all the fees it ended at 4200. this debt is from 04. this agency calls i kid you not 4-5 times daily from "no number" and leaves a message 2x. well i accidentally answered the phone and after talking to the ca rep offered them 2,000 top price... she didnt know what pay for deletion was so i didnt get that... now 2,000 one time payment comes off friday and they are putting it to my credit as paid off. Problem is i realized after that that one was one of the ones that i was disputing... what now
  2. FourS

    FourS Member

    it was my biggest debt.... will my fico score go off since i no longer owe that much
  3. FourS

    FourS Member

    also my fico is 509 but that is cuz i only have bad credit no good credit... how can i get some quick good credit
  4. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    So, who offered whom $2,000?

    If you offered them $2,000 to settle in full, and that's what you want to do, you should send them an agreement that spells out the terms:

    a) this settles the debt in full.
    b) the CA won't update this account with a CRA nor will they respond to any validation requests from a CRA regarding this account.

    (there's probably more, search this site for SIF or PIF agreements)

    Give them a place to sign and then you'll sign it and send the signed agreement with the money.

    If you want to back out, then stop answering the phone (that's what answering machines are for) and send them a validation request, CMRRR, saying, you're that after thinking about it, you're not sure this is your debt and want validation pursuant to the FDCPA to be sure. After talking to their rep, you researched your files (which were not available to you at the time you were on the phone) and may have made a mistake when on the phone and you just want to make sure of the details before you send off the money. Also, add that it is inconvenient to call you by telephone at any time of the day and request that all future communications be by U.S. Mail.

    What they told you over the phone is probably NOT what you want them to do. If they mark it as a paid collection it will torpedo your FICO for at least 4 and then be a big black mark for the next 3 after that.
  5. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Right, and with MCM, unless you have it in writing, they will probably cash your check, and then ring your phone off the wall for the balance, as it is he said she said.
  6. hannah

    hannah Well-Known Member

    Problem is that depending on the state you are in, you may have reset the SOL for this debt. Because you don't have a written agreement with MidScum, they will probably sell the balance left on your alleged debt or even try to collect the balance themselves. Do you even know for sure that this is YOUR debt or that the balance they claim owing is correct?

    I can't say it often enough that you cannot trust a JDB or ANY of their collectors. You said that the one time offer of $2000 comes off Friday. Says who? A phone drone? Pfttt...it's the end of the month for making commissions. You'll get the same offer next month and the month after.

    Is MidScum even licensed to collect in your state? What kind of debt is it? Do you know what the SOL is?

    Oh and if you don't want them calling you, send them a letter CMRRR saying, "Please be advised that is it inconvenient to telephone me at any number at any time. Do send all communication by mail."
  7. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    It will not help your scores insofar as the will put the date of last activity as the date you paid it. It will probably actually lower them.

    I'd cancel the payment.

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