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Is this good news?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vivalamama, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. vivalamama

    vivalamama Active Member

    I got a reply from one of my last remaining CA's today, and I think its good but wanted to check with you guys because I'm not entirely sure (as this is the first response like this that I've received). I had sent them the standard validation letter, and here's what they sent to me in reply:

    "We have investigated your dispute and taken the following actions:
    -stopped collecting and closed your collection account
    -returned the collection account to the original creditor and we will request that the account be deleted from your credit report"

    Now I think its good, but what does it mean when they say "return the account to the original creditor"? Does that mean that the original creditor will turn around and send me out a bill right away, or sell it off to another CA? What would make them stop collecting and close the account and delete it? I'm surprised actually because this is a bill that I had thought was legit...but, it's embarrassing to say, but it was SO long ago I can't recall exactly what it was for or when (except that it was a medical bill). What's your guy's take on it, good news or bad?
  2. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    I think it is more good news than bad.
    Who was the CA and the OC?
    How old is the debt?
  3. vivalamama

    vivalamama Active Member

    The CA is CBCS, formerly known as Comprehensive. The OC is a local hospital, I don't have an original bill anymore (got lost amongst my many moves over the years), but a statement CBCS sent me the other day said it was from 2003. I don't understand why they would send me a statement and THEN send me this letter though. I guess the statement they feel is validation? But then why this letter now? TIA!
  4. vivalamama

    vivalamama Active Member

    Ok now hang on...the statement I got the other day apparently is NOT the same account as what is stated in today's letter...amazing what happens when you read properly...so then my "statement" still stands, and they wrote something else off? I think I have some digging to do!
  5. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Double check re: account numbers. Often a CA assigns their own account number to a debt.

    But this is good news, as it means that this tradeline will (should) come off your credit reports.

    But, having it returned to the Original Creditor does mean they could assign it to another. So be ready with another Debt Validation request should it come back under a new CA.
  6. vivalamama

    vivalamama Active Member

    Well its not so much that the account numbers are different, its that its for completely different hospitals. This one that's being "written off" is for sometime back in 00 or 01. It doesn't say on this letter, it only says the hospital name and original account number, not even a balance or anything. But the only times I was ever at this hospital was when I was pregnant and when I gave birth to DD. So I'm guessing that its being written off because its past the SOL...?

    This other account that I got a statement for the other day is for a completely different hospital, that I never go to except for on this one occasion, which was back in 03. It just happened to be an ER need and it was the closest place at the time. But I hate that hospital so otherwise I never went there.

    Considering that this letter I got today is for something that happened back in 00 or 01, what do you think the odds are that the hospital will try to collect again? Whether it be directly or thru another CA. If its past the SOL could they still send it off to another CA?

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