I know the last payment was at most 9 months ago, probably more like 7 months and the only thing I could find in MO laws about SOL said 5 years. I am sending validation requests this weekend.
This is your first notification, right? Send off the validation letter CRRR. How are your CR's? Is there a TL of this on any? Or just CITI trade line? If they send you validation then you can decide if you want to make some sore of a deal or not BUT remember that if you owe 9K and pay them 5K you will be responsible for forgiveness of debt to IRS for 4K, so figure all into your negotiating. As I wrote before I would wait and let it drag on ,see if I could get them on and violations,and when the timing is right then figure out what you want to do. You have to decide what works for you though. : ) Woofer
Everyone should do what they feel is best for them. I feel that waiting it out has definitely worked well for me. I also like to *get em* ,and they definitely will do some sort of violation. From experience the minute you have a paper trail and have something on them, they want to DEAL.Like I wrote though we all have to figure out what is the way to go for us. Me, I enjoy the whole process, and will be sad when I don't have any more to do,but then I can always try to help someone... Woofer
Everyone's advice on here has been helpful. I feel much more comfortable with my situation than I did several days ago. Right now, I have until April 20th to dispute this debt. I have requested my representation to give me a new account manager and they have agreed after I have shown them the mishandling of this account. So right now I am waiting on new representation to check into my other accounts to see if they were handled like they were suppose to be. I am worried because after speaking to Citi's legal dept, they told me it was turned over to a Lawyer for suit because I showed no intention to pay this debt or even negotiate. This is what my account rep was suppose to do and she failed at it. It worries me because I had a vm from a BoA rep saying they haven't had any contact in months and may pursue legal action. So right now, I am waiting to see what my new representation can tell me about the status of my accounts. It really amazes me because I was suppose to save a minimum amount each month to use to settle accounts with and if I would of stuck by that minimum they told me I would only have $600 saved, but since I included my tax return, and saved more each month, I am close to $6000 minus the accounts I settled already and having these issues. Absolutely amazing. I almost think I might have a case against my representation for mishandling my accounts and putting me in these situations that could potentially cost me more than I originally started with. Thanks for all the help so far to everyone that has helped. It is much appreciated.
Many people have told you to get rid of this company as obviously they are n ot doing right by you. Myself, I would not waste my time on them. If you feel you cannot do this alone, GET A LAWYER to send some letters out for you and start to negotiate. Of course this is JMO and YMMV. Good luck Woofer
This is typical of debt consolidation companies. They only negotiate after you are seriously delinquent because they haven't made any payments. I'm sure that most of what you have paid them has gone to their fees. Have you really read your contract with them, or did you just go by what they told you? If you haven't read the contract, I suggest you do so now. If you have, you may want to reread it to refresh your memory on exactly what they promised, IN WRITING, BY CONTRACT, and not what some rep who is trying to make commission told you.
I have read the contract and they have not fulfilled their end of the deal. I am terminating my business with them and I am going to handle the accounts on my own. I have already successfully negotiated a settlement of 38% with the BoA account that has came into the picture today. I have also tried to make 21 phone calls, sent 3 emails, and left 3 vm mails today with the debt arbitration company. No replies or answers from any of my phone lines. I do believe they know they screwed up on this one and now are avoiding me.
The majority of Counseling Co's I've dealt with do more harm than good. They're in business to make money. If I were to ever recommend one I'm sure it would be a non profit. They're not the one's who have something to lose.. I enjoy the whole process like Woofer, but I enjoy the process from both sides (CA and Consumer).