Over 7 Year Credit Issue

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Irvinraw, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. Irvinraw

    Irvinraw New Member

    Hello All,

    I used to have bad credit but fixed it. I payed most of my credit cards off excluding one. American Express just charged off my account and pretty much just left me alone. So when analyzing who needed to be paid I forgot to put them on my list. This was about 10 years ago.

    I recently was given the opportunity to switch my visa card from BOA to an american express card. Apparently this was mistake. Soonafter, I started to receive letters from Amex about my account. The first letter stated I should contact them within 30 days if this information was inaccurate.

    I ignored the letters. However, just recently they contacted my in laws which is a concern. So what should I do? This account is pretty old and the last time I looked it was not on my credit report. I made sure it came off at the 7 year timeframe. Does Amex have a leg to stand on? I owe a little over $1,000. Is the amount I owe significant? I assume that since we're past the 7 year reportable duration that I am in the clear. If I don't pay amex can they just continue to call? Should I just send them a letter claiming that the information is inaccurate because it is too old?

    Any help would be appreciated.


  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    If you left Amex holding the bag, you will never be able to obtain another Amex.

    Somehow I doubt, even though they say they are Amex, that they are. Did they give you an address to write?
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Yes, you're in the clear. Tell them to leave you alone in writing unless you live in a state where the statute of limitations is something like 10 years.
  4. Irvinraw

    Irvinraw New Member


    After reading your reply, I tried to find my previous letters from AMEX or perhaps a CA so I could verify if it was AMEX. I could not find them. However, I just received a letter today to rejoin AMEX. They have a preapproved card for me (an Optima) if I pay my previous balance from over 10 years ago. So I guess this letter confirms that it is actually AMEX who is trying to collect the funds.

    I am going to write a letter to AMEX to have them stop trying to contact me. Should I be ambiguous and tell them that their information is incorrect (since its too old) or should I just get to the point by telling them that it is too old and that the statute of limitations in my state is only three years?

    Also is their anyway that this can affect my BOA AMEX card? Perhaps they can have BOA close my account? Its really not a big deal if they can or not, I just want to be prepared. I just received a Discover preapproved credit card letter for 0% lifetime for transfer balances. Its not that big of a deal since I don't have much of a balance given my previous credit problem. I don't want to ever have credit problems again.

  5. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member


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