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Judgement on Credit Report?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Smittyb318, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    If you have a judgement against you on something that is passed the seven year period and has been taken off your credit reports. Will the judgement cause the item to be placed back on your credit report?
  2. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    Not in the section where the TLs go ... but it will show up as a public record, which is as bad if not worse.
  3. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    Waitaminit ... is SOL longer than 7 years on whatever this is? How is it that there's going to be a judgment?
  4. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    So if the judgement in is in your public records section, that will bring your scores down significantly?
  5. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    Well, They basically had not been able to serve me. I quit paying on the account in 2001. Unifund has the account now, and alawfirm has been trying to sue me, but I have not been served yet.
  6. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    I am from Louisiana, and I think the SOL is only three years. You know if that is correct? Its a credit card debt.
  7. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    I attempted to contact the CA and they were very rude and wanted more than what I could afford to give them. I am really in the a dark on the whole situation as to what the outcomes could be. I thought eventually it would go away after the SOL ran out, but I think they have been trying to find me to sue me for along time, but the first time they tried to serve me was the end of 2007. It is not liek I was in hiding, I had a public address and was in college for the last few years.
  8. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    1. They may or may not have good documentation, and it's quite possible that bad documentation was already filed with the lawsuit. They may or may not be able to get good documentation, and even if they can they may not be able to do so in time to salvage their case. If you can fight it on poor documentation rather than SOL, that's the way to go (avoids a 1099-c).

    2. If you stopped paying in 2001, it's likely SOL. Be sure to use that as a secondary line of defense. Just realize that if the case goes off (is decided) on that basis, a 1099-c is inevitable.

    You need to avoid a "sewer service" situation and a default. You need to find out what court this is in and watch the docket. You don't really want to dodge service.
  9. katz55

    katz55 Active Member

    I just discovered a judgment listed on my TU report. It is for $12,199 and has a date filed of 6/2001. I was only 20 yrs old back then and in college. I have no clue what it could possibly be. I was in college and moved around quite a bit. I was never served, and do not recall ever receiving anything in the mail indicating that I was being sued. There is a docket #. Is it possible to have default judgement with know knowledge?? It does not show up on either EQ or EXP. What should I do to figure out my next move??
  10. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    If it hasn't expired on its own, you need to try and get it vacated for lack of service.

    You can probably get a look at the court file, assuming it hasn't been purged and destroyed yet. Many court clerks and county clerk/recorders have their info (including images) online.

    Now that you've found it, the clock is ticking for you to get it vacated ... you might only have a year.

    Are you sure it's really yours ... mistakes happen.

    You might also want to pull your own Lexis/Nexis or Choicepoint reports ... you might learn something there as well.
  11. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    What is the reason to pull these? Are they more precise?
    How much does it cost?WHat creditors look at these instead of the other three cra's?
  12. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    So with the poor documentation, what exactly would I say as my defense for that? And is the 1099-c where they put it on my credit as a public record? Also, how bad does the 1099-c hurt your credit scores?

    I tried calling the constable and he told me the papers had bent sent back and that I would be re-served persay when he got the service papers back in his hands again. If I do get served and I pay the balance owed beofore the court date, would that keep the debt from going back on my credit?
  13. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    Also, do you think it is in my best interest to try and call the attorney who is trying to sue me and work out some type of payments. Or is that a bad idea, the last time I called they wanted like 400 a month on a 4000 dollar debt, which I couldnt afford
  14. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    Don't work a dang thing out. Blow 'em out of the water because their evidence is absent or crappy. Use SOL if for some reason they show up with everything they need.
  15. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    So would I need an attorney? Ad I only asked if I should pay them before because my credit is already messed up and I am in the process of rebuilding. I don't want for it to take another major hit. So what would a judgement do to my credit?
  16. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    A judgment will toast you. Stay on top of it.
  17. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    There's no reason to pay a dime or lose the case. Between the SOL and Unifund's presumable lack of documentation, they're throwing a Hail Mary. If you show up, they lose.
  18. Smittyb318

    Smittyb318 Member

    Well, I am already pretty much toasted. I had a coupel thousand in other bad debt, but they did not sue. And I just paid it all off recently. My scores are currently around 590 for TU And EX. So how low will they go if I get a judgment for a a debt under 4000 dollars?
  19. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    OK, so they've been attracted by the sweet scent of settlement since your reports show them it happened.

    Guess what, they're out of luck on this one ... this case is defensible and you're going to defend it.

    I think you may think service of process of this lawsuit is the final whistle ... no, it's the kickoff. Be sure to suit up and take the field.
  20. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    L/N and CP are aggregators of public record data. As such, they will show things that are older than what the CRAs show (basically everything stays on forever), and they may be a little more accurate and have a little more detail.

    Reports are the same $9.

    No creditors look at these reports for routine credit granting purposes, but collectors use 'em (or parts of 'em) all the time. Anyone can look at these reports, and they don't need PP to do it. Remember, it's all public record. There are tons of resellers (like Intelius, etc.).

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