Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gsandkamp, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. gsandkamp

    gsandkamp New Member

    Hi Everyone...Been a lurker here off and on for about 2 yrs.Started to get serious 2 months ago. Disputed 3 items on my report,then validated,then disputed. 2 DELETIONS...1 UPDATED.

    I have 3 more neg accounts

    1). Paid,closed account that shows 180 days late from 2004 - 2005
    They will not remove and verified

    2).Exxon Gas: Current had 2 x 30 day lates

    3).Fireside Thrift: Car loan paid off in 2003 shows 2 x 60

    How should I tackle these????
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    What actions have you taken on these negatives so far?

    I'd assume you've disputed these, how did you dispute?
  3. gsandkamp

    gsandkamp New Member

    I asked them the CA to VALIDATE the debt or remove.One gave me a lame form letter that had nothing to do with mine.Then 3 days ago my NEW Experian came back with the deletions..
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Try disputing them through the credit reporting agencies in writing. Hit data fields which don't wash or are incomplete.
  5. gsandkamp

    gsandkamp New Member

    What do you mean by "HIT DATA FIELDS" which don't wash?

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