This is a first for me. Got a letter from Palisades saying they have purchased my account from Great Seneca . Then it goes on to say When permitted by law we may report info about your account to credit bureaus. Consequently late missed or other default on your account may be reflect in your credit report. Any questions regarding this notice yo can call us toll free at the number provided. This notice does not require you to take any action at this time. On the back it reads Palisades Collection Privacy Notice. Not sure what to make of it?? Why would they send me this, instead of a dunning letter?Why would they send me this at all? Woofer
Because it's Palisades. Send a request for validation anyway. All that letter implies is that they ARE going to report. Try to beat them to the punch.
OK. I had sent off a dispute to EX as I saw P pop up on my report, last week,before I had not gotten anything in the mail from P. So because I disputed first, what do I do now? Thanks Woofer PS How are you feeling? Aches and Pains? W