Just got a new EQ report. On it it has on first page.. CONSUMER STATEMENT I DISPUTE THIS TYPE PAY STATUS Now this was what I had selected to dispute a Palisades TL. What I want to know can I get this deleted? Does it hurt? The other thing is Palisades has now put a TL on my report They have under account number just their name Nothing on Date Opened Balance owed XXX Amount Past Due XXXX(same amount) Date of First Delinquency 2/2003 Date of Major Delinquency First Reported 5/2008 Type of Loan Factoring Additional Info Consumer DIsputed Reinvestigation in Process. SO now what to do? Thanks Woofer
Why would it have been put on there anyway? Also would this be a negative thing? To me it seems like it would. WOofer
It doesn't help or hurt. It is just a different way (and an odd one) of saying that the consumer disputes this account. Palisades must do this as must the CRA's. I don't know why it would be there. I have honestly never seen a consumer statement be applied to and within the context of a specific tradeline.
If you had requested validation from Palisades, they are doing the proper measure by marking the account in dispute. They may have entered the comment based upon receiving your dispute from the CA. The comment is not hurting your credit report in any way.
I have seen (consumer disputes this account) but it is always in the tradeline of the account, never in the very beginning before any tradelines. I mean it did not mention what TL I was disputing even. I found it very odd. Woofer
Was the report directly from EQ? Sometimes reports purchased through other services do not "transmit" accurately.
It was a hard copy sent to me thru snail mail. On line there is no consumer statement that i am seeing. I just now saw that Palisades put it on EX as well. Those@#$%^&*( WOofer