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Wrong Address prevents me from getting CR's - What Now???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DenverGirl, Mar 22, 2008.

  1. DenverGirl

    DenverGirl Member

    I am in the process of trying to improve my FICO scores to get a mortgage within the next (6) months.

    Can't Order CR's because of Address Issue

    I relocated to Denver from the mid-west about (4) years ago, and because I rent, have moved several times within the Denver Metro area since then.

    I do subscribe to TrueCredit, but have been unable to order my CR's from the free annual report due to them being unable to verify my address.

    To make matters worse, I live at an address with a 1/2 in it - like 1234-1/2 South Denver Street. The Post Office was unable to correctly deliver mail to this address, and sent all my year end tax documents to my neighbors without the 1/2. I had to get a PO Box to solve that issue.

    BUT - Now my driver's license shows the street address with the 1/2 - and my mailing address is a PO box. How to I address this with the CRA's? If they send mail to the street address, my neighbor will get it - all my personal data. Yikes!

    From my TrueCredit report, I know I have sevaral items that I need to dispute - medical and one completely false report.


    I am at a loss now - From what I read, I need the reports to dispute or correct anything. I can't get the reports because of the address issue.

    Can I send a letter to the CRA's without the actual reports? If so - can I both correct the addresses and dispute the items through this one letter? I don't have much time to spare.

    Can anyone help with this part of it? I think I'm good on the letters to the CRAs... but don't know how to fix this part.

  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    I'm not understanding why you can't get your free annuals because of an address issue. If you have a True Credit report in front of you, you have the current address that each CRA is reporting. In particular, if you have TC, you will go straight to the log in page at TU, and won't have to go thru the verification process with them. Go to FAR, fill out the info page, and mark TU report only, then finish their report process.

    For EX and EQ, fill out the address page as EX is reporting, then when it asks you which report you want, check off EX only. Go to their site, answer the security questions (you should have the info from TC) and get the report, then start over, with the address page filled out to agree with EQ, check only your EQ report and finish the process. Its a pain, but you have everything in front of you to do it if you utilize the info on TC.

    Send in your disputes, with your address change. Tell them your physical address is 1/2 street (you will have to enclose DL), but you receive all mail at PO Box - enclose a couple of copies of utility bills, etc., that are received at the Box.
  3. rachael24

    rachael24 Banned

    There shouldnt be a problem here. Just send in your disputes, and give them an address change. Let me know how it turns out!
  4. clydeb

    clydeb Member

    I have a similar problem maybe. Had the same PO address for 35 years but for the last several years Equafax wont send CR. They would send a letter requesting info which I sent--They eventually sent another letter requesting the same infor, which I sent CRRR with a sharp note. They sent another letter requesting same info. That was 2006 and 2007. 2008 I did the online thing and now none of them will send the FREE CR. Can these but_ wipes be made to do what the law says? Eq asked about my mortgage and co when I did the online thing--and I haven't had a mortgage in over 20 years.
  5. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Do as Jlynn advises. That will get you up and running.
  6. DenverGirl

    DenverGirl Member


    I have finally gotten all reports and sent the address correction to all (3) CRA's.

    BUT - EX is still a problem. They would not update my address - and show an address from several years ago. They made a note on the report they sent me that a business is using that PO box (where I receive my mail due to the 1/2 in my address).

    What can I do to get them to update it correctly?
  7. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    They are for many people.

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