I knew this would happen, this is just what I was trying to avoid. Have $21k in old debt, none of which is collecting fees or interest. Didn't know who to start paying first so I started paying smallest ones first and ended up with a letter from a lawyer for one of the bigger bills. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I don't have much time on computer so I haven't been able to get much feedback on my questions but was told about Dave Ramsey and his snowball plan. Looked it up and he says to pay minimum payments on all and use all extra money to start paying small bills off first and go up the line. I don't have minimum payments because I haven't been paying anything because I haven't had money. If I was to pay something on everything it would only be $10/month because there are 31 old bills. Then there is no extra money, so I have just been putting all money on small bills. Now what should I do. Stop paying off small ones and pay this one off? Either way I feel like I'm screwed and am starting to really feel helpless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All they want to do is argue on the phone and want you to pay what they want you to pay. But we would starve or not have gas for cars. I've budgeted what I can and I'm just lost. All we do is work, come home, cook whatever cheap food we have, sulk around because we have no money to do anything with, go to bed, get up and do it all over again. I don't think I can do this for the 3 years it going to take to pay these all off. Any ideas please besides bankruptcy. Maybe I should just let the lawyers sue me and let the judge decide how much and who I pay. Sorry just venting cause no matter what I do some other problems pops up to stop it. Any ideas would be very appreciated. Guess I'll be 40 and still living with parents. P.S. All but 4 bills are medical bills so it's not like I went and charged up cc's recklessly, although now I wish I had, it would have been more fun.
Have you considered trying Chapter 11? I believe that is the one where you can declare your debt, and the court figures out how much you would pay each month. It is all lumped into one bill. You would be making one payment to the court, and THEY would distribute the payments to your creditors. Although, I believe you mentioned that most of those were medical bills? I don't know what state you live in, but you caould try and find out if you could include medical bills in the chapter 11. You would need to hire an attorney in order to do this though. I believe it is chapter 11 that you can do this. If I am incorrect, then I apologize.
Your intentions are honorable and your heart is in the right place but that really doesn't mean much when it comes to bill collectors, unfortunately. What's happened is you paid someone, they updated your credit report and all the other collectors got pinged so now they all think you have money so they're licking their lips hoping to get a piece of it. If you started sending payments without contacting them, you may or may not have screwed yourself. Even though they haven't been sending you monthly statements, you can bet that when they go to court, they'll be looking for the original amount PLUS interest PLUS lawyer's fees and court costs. As far as the snowflake plan, that really only works if you: a) keep your payments up to date, b) don't charge any more on the credit cards and c) pay at least the minimum payments. If you get behind, then a whole new set of rules come into play. As far as what to do next, well, like the others have said, bankruptcy (either Ch. 7 or 13) would seem to be a reasonable option if paying the bills will make it hard to impossible to live. The other option would be to work extra hours or at another job so you can start saving up until you have enough to pay them off in one payment. When you have that much money, call one of them up, negotiate a settlement, and then pay them to settle. Making payments to them is, IMO a very bad idea, however tempting.
So these are charge offs? Didn't know who to start paying first so I started paying smallest ones first and ended up with a letter from a lawyer for one of the bigger bills. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I don't have much time on computer so I haven't been able to get much feedback on my questions but was told about Dave Ramsey and his snowball plan. Looked it up and he says to pay minimum payments on all and use all extra money to start paying small bills off first and go up the line. I don't have minimum payments because I haven't been paying anything because I haven't had money. If I was to pay something on everything it would only be $10/month because there are 31 old bills. Then there is no extra money, so I have just been putting all money on small bills. Now what should I do. Stop paying off small ones and pay this one off? Either way I feel like I'm screwed and am starting to really feel helpless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All they want to do is argue on the phone and want you to pay what they want you to pay. But we would starve or not have gas for cars. I've budgeted what I can and I'm just lost. All we do is work, come home, cook whatever cheap food we have, sulk around because we have no money to do anything with, go to bed, get up and do it all over again. I don't think I can do this for the 3 years it going to take to pay these all off. Any ideas please besides bankruptcy. Maybe I should just let the lawyers sue me and let the judge decide how much and who I pay. [/quote] Tell us who you are and where you are in the debt thing. Still with OC? No suing? JDB? Who has the debt now? As for the medical bills I would call up the credit department of the hospital. There are funds for people that cannot pay the total amount. Also I have found that they will reduce the amount by 50% anyway if you really are having a hard time paying.Even the collection companies that handles these accounts are very easy to work with if they are local. Try it. Woofer
Question for OP - why not bankruptcy?? If you make less than your state's median income you might qualify for a Chapter 7, a total/legal way to wipe out all your debts.
Why not determine what's in SOL, what's not in SOL and whether any payments have tolled or restarted the SOL. Then make some more infomred decisions about what, whether, who and when to pay. Being informed about what does, what doesn't, what might, and what might not happen helps you make the best decisions. When you understand how the whole system works and how to control the information that flows within the system as best you can, you can manipulate the system to your benefit. If you don't understand these things, you will get either taken to the cleaners or you will live under a debt cloud for more years than you need to. Bankruptcy is only necessary if something intolerable is happening (garnishments, asset seizures or what have you). Don't use it to scare off a few animals in the night. Only use it if one of the animals is actually gnawing on one of your limbs.
And then sometimes even if they are you can give them a taste, and they will go away sans bankruptcy ; ) Woofer
Thank you for the information. I live in Florida. I don't want to file bankruptcy because most of the bills are in both my husband and my name and he absolutely refuses to file with me, so if I filed by myself they would still go after him and so we would end up paying it anyway. Seems like it defeats the purpose of bankruptcy doesn't it. After that they would become more aggresive and all would start sueing. As I've said before there are 31(more now because I just got two new ones in the mail this month for $4357 and $259-insurance didn't pay) Let me explain a little more. An office that I worked at closed down because one of the owners was stealing money from the business. Supposedly paying our insurance company our premiums and all the while we were using the cards thinking we had insurance. She was stealing our premiums. My son had a cardiology work up and surgery and you know when they know you have insurance they jack up the price of everything. Well nobody ever said you don't have insurance, I was never contacted by the insurance company or told by a provider my insurance was not good. Boy she was a very good thief and good at coverups. Well in 7months the other two owners of the office figured it out and they are still battling 3yrs later. nothing is settled. I cannot do anything to them about my insurance until Florida Department of Law Enforcement is done with them. By then the sol will be over. I can't sue her until they are done and when they are done she will be in prison and I won't get any money to pay these bills. So let me move on. Sorry so much infor. My bills are charge offs and in collections. Some OC's I've been trying to contact to work with them and I'm waiting on charity forms to come in the mail. The ones that are owned by CA'S I'm afraid to call. The CA's are Gulfcoast, MJ Altman, FFCC, Financial Credit Services, Argent HFS,NCO,CMRE, Premium Asset, MAF CS, Credit Collections USA, HCA. These are all medical bills and some own more than one account and the other medical bills are OC's 9 of them. The ones that I have that are not medical bills are NCS Corp(old visa $1050-only charged 500), FMS(old BP Visa $1100-only charged 500), AFNI(cell phone bill husband signed for sister who failed to pay $1700),Northstar(Discover $3450 used during divorce-didn't finalize 3yrs ago-only charged 900),MRS($5300 repo car during divorce 3yrs ago)Most of these credit bills I've paid on and off since default, I haven't paid in a very long time until last month. I wonder if I should pay the credits off first although they are the biggest ones and then pay the medical bills last (they are the smaller ones) I'm paying the small medical bills now and am getting lawyer letters from the bp visa. I won't deny any of the bills as they are all honestly mine and I want to pay, I just don't want to be paying forever. We finally got health insurance so we don't have much to pay per month. I'm scared to make a decision what to do because what if its the wrong one, this is a big deal to me and I just want this to be over as fast and as painless as possible. I thought about looking for professional help but wouldn't know who I would need. Maybe a financial advisor? Thanks for listening and all your help. This site keeps me sane and gives me hope.
What is the total and on each of the CA's you have mentioned, who are the JDB's as well and how much was the original charge offs and WHEN and what do they want now.?? If I am understanding correctly you used these charge cards to pay for your medical bills??? If so why? Was it because you had to pay up front and then thought you would get a check in the mail from insurance company? On the medical bills owed, I would go and visit the hospital credit department if it is close by and tell them what you wrote here. Many people have compassion and I can tell you from experience I have dealt with several hospitals that took 50 percent or less on the bill and would also do small monthly payments. Also there is a fund that will zero out the debt completely. If you are under a certain income this may be the thing for you to do. While you do have a lot of deb accounts your total to get out form under may not be so bad. Have you gotten your credit reports? We need to start there and see if any are nearing SOL. Have you gotten sued yet? It is very hard to really help you as you have so many accounts and doesn't seem to be in any order as far as charge offs payments amount owed, JDB's etc. You need to get it on paper and then make good files on all of this. Many many times JDB's and CA's screw up and this can be your out as well.: ) I think FIRST you need to get your CR's. Then while you are getting them make contact with the hospital to get your debts reduced or wiped out. I really think this is going to be good for you and will definitely start clearing up all of these debts. So to reprise. 1.Get your credit reports. If you have not gotten one in a year or have been denied credit you can get them for free. 2.Call or visit hospital credit depart. 3.Contact the OC's and ask them for a no interest for one year and also a reduction in amount. 4.DO NOT CALL THE JDB's OR CA's 5. Keep good files. Any phone calls left on your machine document as to what time number and what was said. If you do not have caller ID or machine now is the time to get one. I feel for you as your head must be hurting.You will have to read much and learn what you can do for yourself. Remember though keep things clear on paper and this will help you out a lot now and in the future. I feel the reasons I have been successful in my suits is because of the very good files I kept. Woofer
All are in sol. one will be out in 10/08. Because I have made payment off and on they are all at the most 3 years in. So should I not pay the one who are closer to the end of sol and pay the other ones first? "Being informed about what does, what doesn't, what might, and what might not happen helps you make the best decisions." This is exactly what is driving me crazy. It's the what might and might not happen that gets me. I say if I do this then this might happen (bad), but then if I don't do this will this happen(bad too) And it's this back and forth that is also driving my husband crazy when I ask for his opinion and he says "just pay somebody" before we end up blowing the money. Let me give you an example of a conversation with myself in my head. O.K. so luckily I will have $500 this month to pay down some debt. Yehaw! (MOMMY I'M HUNGRY-HOLD ON I'M THINKING)Now who do I pay first. Well there are about 3-4 calling on the phone, should I answer and see who they are and offer to pay, no because what if it's the big ones and they want more than $500 and want me to agree to pay the rest next month then theres a chance one or some of the other ones will call or write with a great deal and I would have missed out.(MOMMY I JUST ATE A BAG OF CHEETOS AND PUKED ON THE COUCH-OK GO GET A TOWEL I'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE) Well then maybe I should just call everyone and see what they will accept-dang I'd need a whole day to do that and I can't take off from work and nobody is open on the weekend-anywayyyyyyyyyy-(MOMMY CAN YOU PLAY WITH ME- OW SON GET OFF MY NECK!!!LATER OK)ok what was I thinking, oh ya, If I call them all then surely someone will be mad I didn't pay and start trying harder to get the money like sueing. OH I don't know maybe I'll just pay the smaller ones off first because I can pay off 2-3 rather then part of one. But the bigger ones will probably sue quicker orrrrr maybe not, or maybe so I don't know unless I ask them and what stooopid fool would ask hey If I don't pay you and pay someone else would you sue me. by now the words are running so fast in my head I forgot what I was just thinking about) AAARRRRGGGGHHHH! Look to my right and what do I see the cutest darn kid with cheesy grin, WHAT'S WRONG MOMMY, nothing baby just a little overwhelmed can you say o-ver-whelm-ed. OBERWEMD. Oh your soo cute let's go to McDonalds and have some fun-YEAAAAAHH- Ew what's that smell??? oh-my-god!! Puke everywhere!!!! Two days later.. the same conversation
Totals are from $60 to $5300 now numbering 34 total. This doesn't include everyday payments for car, insur. etc. When they were first defaulted on they charged me soo much interest that now some are 300% what was charged on. I have to search through old files to find the original statements -if I still have them- But it takes so much damn time, I only have one day off a week and I have my son who loves to play-hubby at work. I have soo many piles of paperwork started to look but never have enough time to get it done-try to leave it for the next day but when I come back some speed racer car or bouncy ball has been through it. I think I need to take a vacation and get it done. I haven't been sued yet but got a lawyer letter saying if I don't call and make arrangements they will $1180-they have never offered a settlement. too scared to call. arrggh. I know they are not just going to go away I just don't know what to say. All my conversations with creditors end up in an arguement and them saying I don't want to pay my bill. It's so frustrating 1. Done 2. very excited to do, tried today but all are M-F 8-5. I leave home for work at 6am and get back at 6pm M-F. Can't call from work because it's a prison-no personal calls-all calls monitored. 3. some oc say they no longer have accounts, some I haven't called, all of them have stopped charging interest long ago and as for reduction they want a settlement. EX:NCO 6/07 $1150 medical bill will let me pay 579.20 by a certain date or no deal. Thanks anyway but I won't have it by then, I could have it by this date but not yours. Well can you pay this now and that later, no because I don't have this now unless we eat bread for supper for the next 3 weeks. Ok you can pay this now and we will automatically deduct this on this day and this on this day-yeah right I'm not giving you my account number for auto deduct- well then I guess you don't want to take care of you bill do you I'll just make a note that you are unwilling to pay-I AM NOT UNWILLING TO PAY JUST UNABLE TO PAY WHAT/HOW YOU WANT ME TO PAY- I'll tell you what I will send you a payment when I get the money. Click. 4. Haven't yet too scared too. BTW what is a JDB? 5. I have caller ID so I don't answer the phone and all messages are the polite this message is for so and so please call me at blah in reference to file number blah, this is an attempt to collect blah blah blah de f-in blah So what should I do in the meantime(if anything)while I am getting the medical bills to reduce my balance. What should I do with the credits like the one who sent me the lawyer letter? Thanks so much .
Credit cards were never used for medical bills. BP visa and visa were charges for stuff can't even remember what for. Discover was used for living expenses while dealing with impending divorce. too depressed to work on some days. Car repo because got behind during above secondary to missing work-son had some surgery and got sick too. Do you think a financial advisor would help? Or just laugh.
Okay you really need to get organized. Instead of attempting to do ALL just do one thing at a time. Get some files. Get a red, green, blue and yellow. In the RED (STOP and beware)put any dunning letters you have gotten in the last 30 days. Of these letters you are going to write a letter CRRR asking for validation. Keep a copy for yourself, and paper clip the dunning letter, your copy, and also a sheet of paper so you have when you sent it , if they have called you, and when, and what they said. This is a good thing to do for each and every person that calls you when you have sent out the validation letter and they have not honoured it and continue thier collection activities. In the green file (GO) put ALL your medical bills. Read them all and then write a letter to each and every Doctor or hospital that is billing you stating as clearly as possible how you would like any and all consideration on these debts. Make a copy and keep a file as to who you sent them to and when and what happens. In the yellow (proceed with caution) file put Junk Debt Buyer 's or Collection Attorneys that have bothered you but not in the last 30 days. DO NOT ANSWER ANY PHONE CALLS BUT KEEP A LOG. I know you said you work all the time, but you are going to have to take a half hour when you are finished at home and from work to log into all of these calls and messages. This may help you some day believe me, as it could turn the table and instead of paying out you may get some money back. I believe eventually you may want to get a good NACA lawyer but he/she is not going to take your case if they think there is nothing to go on. This is why having a good paper trail is very important to you. As for your credit reports, look the three over and see any problems and or duplicates as to a mounts account numbers, charge offs, transfers etc. Check off the ones that are all the same on all three credit cards. Highlight the ones that have been sold to JDB's and check out the DOLA (date of last activity and balance to see if they coincide with the original debt) I know all of this sounds like so much, but just do ONE THING AT A TIME ,until you get the hang of it. The first things are the letters on the medical debts, if you can not call or visit, and also the letters to JDB's as to validation. Again though you need to keep things organized so you know what is going home and can be clear on the situations. If the OC's say they donot have accounts anymore most likely they have charged off. Check your credit reports to see if this is so. Have a list of the OC's that still have your accounts, and you can call them TODAY and ask for some sort of help. If they don't want to check off and put them in the file and await a JDB to get them. Then write a letter and ask for validation and a inconvenient to call letter.(This way they can only contact you thru mail or worst case scenario sue you) which may or may not happen for a long long time. STOP answering the phone and making payments to anyone but an OC. There are things that can be left on message machines and things that cannot be. Please someone chime in here. I didn't think you could leave a message saying this is to collect a debt!!!!! Today, write off the medical letters, write off a limited cease and desist and validation letter to any dunning letters, and if open call the OC's and talk to them. Make sure you write everything down so you are clear as to what you agreed to or did not agree to. Then sit back and relax for a few, and try to get your head unwound. Woofer
Thanks so much woofer It's going to take a while but I will start on it today. I have $300 in my pocket I was going to pay someone, I guess I'll just hide it somewhere and save it. Any specific questions to ask in a validation letter? What purpose do the validation letters have if I already know they are correct and valid? Can they not sue me if they cannot validate? That would be such a relief to know they couldn't. And I could pay at my own pace. This is such a great idea I'm excited to do it I just hope I have enough time and patience to do it. I've already done the credit report checking a couple years ago when I started this and have kept up with it ever since. I wish I would have saved the message from Northstar that said this message is meant for so and so, this is so and so from northstar, call my office at blah blah in reference to blah blah this is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtain will solely be used for this purpose. again call me at blah blah reference # blah blah. I've never spoke with them, they just recently bought this account from another CA. OC is discover Is it legal to record a conversation with a ca if you tell them you are? And how would I do that. Northstar bought this account I'm sure because of a conversation I had with the last ca SIMMs and associates that owned it. I agreed to make payments with a man and he told me if I had a problem to call him, well I did have a problem and couldn't pay the months payment so I called and could never get him. Left several vm and he left me several. Even called from my cell phone at different times throughout the day at work(got in trouble)but he was always, always, on vacation, at a meeting, not in today, doesn't work on mondays or weekends, leaves early this day and so on. Finally I spoke with his so called associate(female dog) and she didn't want to hear it. I told her what he had said and she said well he's not here and your dealing with me now. I told her to have him call me and she kept on. I was feeling a little frisky so kept on the phone to see how far she would go. She then put her "supervisor" on the phone for a three way conversation and I had both yelling at me on my cell phone. I could not get a word in. They kept telling me they were going to persue this as far as they could(I assumed that meant sueing me as I'm sure they meant to) They never would say they were going to sue me they just kept saying that I must want them to pursue this harder since I thought it was all a joke. I probably shouldn't have but I argued with them how do you know I think this is all a joke when you won't let me speak, do you hear me laughing. They told me to never call their office again they were going to put a stop to all this. I only called to make different payment arrangement. About a week later the man called me finally and I answered on my cell phone(wrong move)and told him never to call again since your associate insisted that I never contact your office again. He acted like he didn't know what was going on and said ok. Well he tried calling again a month later and said it was time for another payment to call him. I never did and stopped paying them the day the two women yelled and screamed at me. I'm sure there had to be a law broken there somewhere and that's why they sold it so I wouldn't sue them for whatever.If I ever see a SIMMs letter again I will never pay it until they sell it to somebody. And if they sue me I WILL GO TO JAIL FOR NON PAYMENT!!! Gladly. This is why I do not answer my phone and am afraid to call anybody about these bills.
What is a SIMM's letter? Again you need to FOCUS on one thing at a time. You can't work ON ALL of this AT ONE TIME, ok? Woofer
Whether you get sued will depend a lot on your bankruptcy score. A bad bankrtupcy score makes you the mystery meat without a date on it at the back of the fridge. If you're paying people you look a little fresher. I know you want to take care of your creditors, but that's the way it is. Paying nobody, collecting FDCPA violations and suing on them as necessary (or asserting them as counterclaims in the unlikely event you do get sued), and in general fighting for your rights is likely a better approach than simply going bankrupt. Especially since bankruptcy discharges ain't what they used to be (google an article called "Prisoners of Debt"). As for insurance companies jacking up the costs when they think you're insured ... it's the other way around. Insurance companies negotiate huge discounts in return for funneling patients to providers. Once you don't have insurance, your costs can more than double. When I have a problem like that, I tend to find out what insurance would have paid and negotiate to pay no more than that. But if I were in the unfortunate situatin of simply being too poverty stricken to pay, I wouldn't worry that anyone at any original creditor, collection agency or junk debt buyer would miss a meal because I didn't pay. There's more than enough abuse of the consumer built into every system to keep them all well fed despite the occasional consumer who gets wise and protects himself or herself. Frankly, although formal, federal bankruptcy frees you of further obligation, so also does the passage of time, and even if you are obligated, no court is going to take away your basic needs (unless you fail to show up and fight for them). "Informal bankruptcy" is an option practiced by millions of consumers. At the moment, it seems the best approach here.
If I were in your position, I would save any extra money in a mattress somewhere so that if you decide to pay someone, you can pay them once and close it out. Payment arrangements tend to be a bad deal for a lot of reasons. While all this gets sorted out, it's better to have cash in your pocket and not theirs.
As mentioned, "informal Bankruptcty" is an option. This is more often the case when the debtor may have sufficient resources to pay on a "few" debts and languish on others. A Chapter 13 BK will force you into a possible 5-year payment plan where a US trustee controls your flow of capital resources. As an example, it is probably not uncommon for a person to file a chapter 13 BK that sucks away 50% of their income, when a judgment and wage garnishment may only take 25% of income. In such a case, one has to wonder what the purpose of a BK 13 is other than shorten the recovery time to improved credit. The real issue may come down to assets and exemptions of equity in such assets. I record all phone calls from creditors and CA's and inform them I'm doing so. Some continue to call, but most cease and desist. Keep in mind that if a creditor or CA believes you are ripe for a lawsuit leadin got selling of assets or wage garnishment, they will most likely sue you. If judgments don't frighten you and you can survive wage garnishment or freezing of assets, tell them to "bring it on." LOL Just my take and opinion on the situation.