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Bally Total Fitness Ripoff

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by darnell, May 27, 2008.

  1. darnell

    darnell New Member

    My wife was on a free trial with Bally's 4 years ago. She signed up when all you had to put down was a dollar. It allowed her a free month's trail but she had to come at least 7 times for the contract to be legitimate. She came over 7 times. I'm just finding out less than a year ago that she owes the company over $2000. This account was canceled before the 30 days and I was there along with another Bally's employee when the process was taking place. Bally's had a nerve to say she didn't go to the gym for 7 time minimum, thats jive! Oh yeah. I worked for Bally's for almost 2 years and I met my wife there, so I know the inside corruption, managers and employees left for this reason.

    To make a long story short they want us to settle for %50 percent off, which is around $1100. Why would I pay this amount if I know this account was canceled. The only problem I have now is that the written documentation that was submitted for cancellation was possibly misplaced when I moved from Philly after graduation. I still keep in contact with management and other employees that were around during that time but will that really help me if they wanted to take it the next level? Oh yeah...I just found a couple a weeks ago the district manager that was around at that time just got fired. So where do I go from here?
  2. Dumb Bob

    Dumb Bob Well-Known Member

    You say you know that the contract was cancelled. Can you prove that? They can perhaps prove that a contract was brought into existence, even just from you admitting that she went there more than seven times, gosh darn it.

    I think you need to read the contract carefully. Does it define the means by which you can terminate the contract? I've seen the means be ONLY a certified letter. So going in and saying you want to quit don't cut it. So sending a normal letter don't cut it. Giving them a note don't cut it. Nothing but a certified letter sent to some address or something like that ends the contract.

    Of course few people know this so the contract goes on and on and they get billed for lots of money. I think it's kind of a scam. Dumb Bob recommends getting your exercise by riding your bike. This also saves on gas.
  3. darnell

    darnell New Member

    The original letter was misplaced the 2 or 3 times my wife and I moved around. The letter was sent by one of the managers to the corporate office via fax. Bally's over the years have definitely committed consumer fraud on more than one occasion and there's multiple class lawsuits to prove it. I can testify to some of those accounts. I just don't see my self paying a penny and I need another way to work around this issue because the copy of the letter was possibly misplaced . I was told if it goes a step further to subpoena their evidence because there were more than one occasion and that systems went down and the front desk did not take any notation of who was coming in the club they only went by known faces. I believe the company should have record of these outages......right?
  4. Dumb Bob

    Dumb Bob Well-Known Member

    Did you check to see if this is a valid way to terminate the contract?

    Aren't they insisting that you didn't terminate the contract? Without any proof that the contract was terminated and proof that it was brought into force, you've admitted that, I'm concerned.

    I'm not sure what you mean by their systems went down, but if they sue you, you might have access to discovery to figure out what they have and what they don't have. This might be important.
  5. champ77

    champ77 Member

    I had the same problem,,, for doing a favor for a friend who needed to sell memberships I tried bally,,, I never signed the contract, since it was sold in FL and I live in TX,,, when I wanted to cancel they wanted me to pay the whole amount,,, it took me almost 3 months, several supervisors and a lot of wasted time,,, it was until this guy who I tried to help finally helped me approving my request that this mark dissapeared from my report and the account was closed as per consumer request...

    they were a nightmare,,, good luck and I mean it!
  6. koofoo

    koofoo Member

    I can attest to the fact that they are predatory

    As a loan officer, I ran across more than 20 people that had collections placed on their CR by Bally's that were just out of line.

    Usually, they about the same dollar amount & all of my clients had taken a "trial membership" & canceled!! So, for their curiosity or good intention, these people were denied FHA loans and were forced to go sub-prime. Usually their credit was spotless otherwise. Sad.

    I have been smelling a rat a Bally's for quite some time.

    Good luck!

    As a matter of principal I'd try like heck to have the debt invalidated.

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