In the mood

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by woofer, May 29, 2008.

  1. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    Well I just checked my credit scores and while they are not great they have gone up 100 points since 9 months ago.
    All three are 600-630.
    So I want to apply for a credit card. While I would prefer to have a VISA or MASTER CARD, I would even do a store card.
    Anyone know of a pretty easy card to get and apply on line? I want to do it now. : )
    Home Depot?
    L L Bean?
    Sam's Club?

    So I got three approvals tonight All stores.I applied four, three approvals came back instantly. The Target Visa card said they will let me know.
    Now two of the cards were issued by the same bank GE.
    Will there be only ONE inquiry?
    Also was this is bad decision on my part to get more credit?
    I am assuming my score will drop a bit, but then go up again?
    How much do you think?
    Now that I have 2K more in credit?
    Should I apply for more?
    YES or NO?
    And WHY?

    Thanks again

    This is FUN!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Brac

    Brac Active Member

    Have no idea if you should go for more or not---but--Wow! Good for you!
  3. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    Hey There

    Well I hadn't applied for anything in several years, so thought "What the hey!"
    I didn't need any cc's as I have a few Visa's and MC's and a line of credit but I had no HI's so thought it would not hurt.
    Who knows.
    It's all a roll of the dice.

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