I won !

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by woofer, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    Some of you know that I had a case with NAF and despite all my hard work I was railroaded and an award was issued to the JDB : (

    It was over 40K four times the amount of charge off .
    ALl the years it was stayed in arbitration I never thought it was a big deal as after all it is not *real court* according to a lot of people on the boards.

    Well after the award they moved to affirm to judgement.

    I was ill! This JDB was one of the worst and I was afraid my vehicles, accounts were going to be seized at any moment.

    Seriously I was not sleeping and this was all new to me ,as I am a secure confident one,as I had dealt with cases before and never was nervous and won them all save one time I had to settle a pittance with an OC, and still I got some money back in a counter suit with OC's CA.

    I thought with this award, it was going to be easy to get it to go away as surely the courts would not affirm.

    Well then I called several NACA lawyers ,all who said that I better settle as there was no was except probably fraud that they could get the award overturned.

    For several weeks I would wake up and check outside to see if my cars were there, or see if there was something missing, call my bank accounts and well you get the drift.

    So I decided to just settle.... I did and while it hurt, it was okay as I just was too stressed to have something like that hanging over my head and looking over my shoulder.

    I used to think about how it is not that bad for me and paying the 40K off was not a real big problem in my life but a small setback and I then would think those damn people , what about others who having a judgement against them of this amount would really ruin their lives.
    It was bumming me out.

    BUT I digress....

    After we settled and during the talks, I was a wee bit paranoid as this same JDB had sent another debt of mine and same OC off to NAF and this time I decided to do it a different way and paid the extra $250 for a Participatory Hearing.

    I was worried that this JDB was going to put 2 and 2 together ... BUT JDB did not : )

    Anyway plaintiff never did file much paperwork so I motioned to dismiss.

    I was granted a motion to dismiss with prejudice : ) : )

    While I was happy about that, the way NAF does it if they issue a motion to dismiss ALL the o****erclaims are dismissed as well, so you never get anything.


    I sued and the JDB had to pay me more than I settled with them for previously and I have some *play money* for the summer. : )

    SO I wanted to let you guys know about my good fortune and also maybe someday NAF will be no more.

    If you need any help feel free to ask, and also there is a great helpful person that knows more than I ever could about NAF and here is the web site...

    NAF - Not Always Fair --  Arbitration.

  2. wildviper

    wildviper Member

    COngrats! That is great news.
  3. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

  4. mellowone

    mellowone Well-Known Member

    That's great, woofer! Fight the good fight!
  5. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    Have to say I really do not like going up against NAF as it is very stressful as I am an organized, and no matter how good you are, NAF makes up their own rules as they go along..


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