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Remove 80,000 dollar charge off/ Foreclosures

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ahidalgo, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    Hi everyone!,

    My mother got a house under my name about 3 years go and now she lost the house. On my credit report I have so many 30,60,90, and 120 late payment and with 8 months of Foreclosures and on the second loan there is a 80,000 dollar charge off. Can a company like "Lexington law" help me remove these items. I have know idea what is true on the late payments because I do not longer speak to my mother. If anyone can help me with any information that will be great.

  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Are the loan's in your name.i hate to say this your going to have to speak with your mother yourself or a third party.your going to have to dispute everything,did you get any late notice's in your name?The other thing you can do is a very hard choice to make and one of the last.just keep reading on this and you will get good advice but i would talk with a lawyer
  3. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    Yes both loans were under my name.
  4. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Were you sent the late notice's to your house,we need to know all the fact's we can get from you.how long ago did you dispute with the cra's?So the debt can be validated and go from there.By law their your obligation.sooner or later your going get notice's from ca's.have you received any collection notice's.
  5. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    No I have not received anything from anyone. The fact's are that my mom got the house under my name after two years of living there cannot keep up with the payments and got kicked out in January this year.
  6. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    When she got the loan's did you have knowledge?can you pull them out and take over the house and possiblty rent it.I'm trying to avoid saying you may have to sue and i wouldn't want to and i didn't you might have to bite the bullet on this,i would see a lawyer.has the house been sold?have you contact the holder of the loan there's a lot you need to do.Is there fraud involved,what do the other member's of your family say,about helping in this matter.
  7. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    At first when you got the house yes I did know but I didn't know about the all late payments and foreclosure in tell this year. They don't live there any more they got kicked out and the bank toke the house back. I don't talk to her any more but I don't want to send her to jail.
  8. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Have you talked to the bank about this,who are they who was living in the house you know people don't go to jail.Life is to short i know you don't want but you need to talk with your mother and find out why she didn't contact you there's a lot that's being left out of this.
  9. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    My biggest fair is that there going to come look for me to pay the 80,000 dollar charge off. will there be any way to fix my credit report?
  10. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Your credit report is the least of your worries.go see a lawyer.you have more problem's than your credit report they will come after you,they run your bill up past 80,000 when there done go see a lawyer
  11. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    What do you mean (they run your bill up past 80,000)?
  12. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Was the 80.000 a personal ;oan that you gave to your mom to buy the house who gave you the loan.is it a personal or real estate loan.if it;s a personal loan then different rule's apply then real estate.i'd advise you to see a lawyer
  13. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    it was all real estate loans. first loan of 312,000 went to foreclosure and the second load of 80,000 went as a charge off. if i see a lawyer what are they going to do?
  14. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    If you don't what are you going to do.i don't think you understand.
  15. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    I'm sorry I don't understand, I was just put in the wrong place. I just need some help.
  16. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    If the mortgage was in your name, you are responsible.

    If there were two separate loans, and the sale of the house only paid one (or not even that), you may be liable for the balance.

    Whether you speak to your mother or not is immaterial at this point. The loans were in your name, and it's your problem. If you knew about them and signed the papers, you can't claim identity theft.

    As was said earlier, your credit report is the least of your problems. You need to deal with this issue.

    Saying that you didn't know will not make this go away. You signed for the mortgage, it was up to you to see that it's paid.

    I'm not trying to be mean or harsh, these are the facts of life. A foreclosure is a far thing from a charged-off credit card.

    Since state laws differ, and I don't know if there was federal insurance involved, your best bet is to seek advice from a competent attorney.

    Most attorneys will give you an initial free consultation. That will be enough to find out how bad your problems really are.

    I think the mention of going past $80K is because there is a great possiblity that legal fees can be added on the the charged-off amount.
  17. ahidalgo

    ahidalgo Member

    Once I contact a attorney what should I say? Is there anything I can really do? I did sign the paperwork years ago. If I take action with an attorney what would happen? What will they do?
  18. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    You want to find out what your liabilities are, and what you are going to need to do to clear this debt.

    An attorney can tell you if you're liable for the balance, what the statute of limitations is, what the creditors can do and what your rights are, etc.

    You may want to find an attorney through naca.org in your state. Just tell them what is going on, and ask them what is likely to happen and if you have any recourse.

    DEFACTO Active Member

    I have a quick question about "goodwill" letter. I am trying to mail a goodwlill letter to MOHELA to remove late payments that were placed on my CR after my loan consolidation. I search the web and only found a customer service address. Can anyone help me with this particular issue
  20. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Try that address to find the other address

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