Almost all ccs, utility outfits, loan companies, etc. are now really pushing the "save the green", "save a stamp" method and trying you to sign up for online statements and online payments. One cc - Juniiper - even tries to bribe you with a ONE time $5 credit to your account if you sign up. Beware of this method for creditors to find your banking information so they can,unbeknownst to you,offset any missed payments instead of going through the legal process to levy bank accounts.
If they really want to save green and reward us for using their product how about dropping their rate's to pre mafia level's save green close on the weekend'sand at night save energy,at night drive by your local power company lit up like a christmas tree.etc.etc,etc.just a plan sneek into affair's.i don't want to get started about corp.greed i go insane,if congress want;s to put put money in our pocket how about letting us deduct cc interest?
We've discussed this before. They would need a judgment before they could levy your account. I pay bills online by going to the credit card web site all the time. I've never had any problems with unauthorized withdrawals. Nor have I had a late payment fee because a payment was held. I have proof of when they received the payment. Look for many of these institutions to start charging you if you get paper statements, just as most banks charge you for copies of your checks these days.
I had a company withdraw an extra 30 dollar's it brought my balance to zero.Still i didn't allow that much it could have been 300 dollars.I was glad it was paid in full.i still filed a complaint with them and the bbb and wrote a letter to the state attorney general.
Paying online is a great way to make sure that the card company can't claim that you get to pay a huge fee because two weeks just isn't enough time to get the check to them via the US mail. That's right, you should save that final page with the special code on it so if they claim something that isn't true, you've at least got that. I would resist that. While you are friendly with the company, you have access to their website and can look things up. But what happens if you owed $1000 and it was charged off? You no longer have access to the site. Then the JDB calls and claims that you really owe $10,000. If you lack any paper, what do you have to prove that you couldn't possibly owe them $10,000? Nothing.
I'm just saying that it appears companies are going to charge you to get paper statements. I believe on another thread on this matter, someone actually said his credit union is charging a fee if you want to receive paper statements.