bankruptcy error

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jjgross, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    I need help on this on my sch f one of my debt's is listed as 3000 dollar's it is actually 300 dollars,can i dispute that?I called my attorney and was told it's a typing error but they had dispose of their files the only record is mine ahd the court now can i dispute on those grounds?please give me some advice on this.
  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    Does not make any difference if the creditor and the account number are correctly listed.
  3. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Thanks greg just a thought have to find a different angle now i'll leave this for last have other fish to fry i've made some progress on cleaning up,have some other's i have to redispute
    i did the wrong thing did on line first.uggg.thank's for all your wisdom helped a lot
  4. oldmarine8

    oldmarine8 Member

    I'm having one a really difficult time with removing a BK. TU has been the most vociferous in their defense of the furnisher of information. The accounts that they have listed as included in BK are not the same as those in my BK papers. And, account numbers are different. They also stated that they sent someone to the courthouse, which is false. The courts do not provide information to the CRA's. Any suggestions on how to proceed?
  5. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Here's my train of thought if they don't furnish ihfo how can they verify,i don't think they can say yes they filed bankruptcy if you have your papers you and the court are the oh=nly one's who have that information,now you you don't want to send them your copy because it verify's your bankruptcy,so we have to come up with a plan of attack,challenge on the basis of that if it's wrong it has to be correct,so the only way they have to reopen the bankruptcy which isn't going to if it can't be fixed then it has to be removed,which would remove the bk i may be wrong but it's a try,tu usually is pretty easy.
  6. NightStar

    NightStar Well-Known Member

    That is incorrect - when I worked for a small local credit bureau. It was my job to go to the court house and read through their records and take notes to forward to one of the major credit reporting agencies.

    When consumers disputed - it was also my job to call the court house to verify information. Sometimes I had to make a trip to the court house to get that info.
  7. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Right but what i said was they would still report the same incorrect information as before,i still think think i could dispute it i maybe wrong as i'm quite stubborn.if you were to dispute how would you go about it?if the information is incorrect it would be updated with no change right?

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