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Mann Bracken llc, Notice of intention to incur court costs and legl fees byfilingsuit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by amorrison5, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. amorrison5

    amorrison5 New Member

    I just received a letter from Mann Bracken LLc saying that they are going to file a lawsuit to collect 3k credit card debt from me. It says that I have 5 days to contact them and pay the full amount. This was from an old discover card. I am co-signed on my father home and the loan. I dont know what to do. I dont have any money to give them a large chunk of money. I really need some information on this can anyone please help/!!!1
  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    How old is the card?when was the last payment and what stste do you live in?just settle down and wait for some advice
  3. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    Remember for every action there is a reaction.Lawsuits are done in steps so take one step at a time.Don't let it ruin your day.Ca's main weapons are fear and ignorance.Don't play right into their hand.Your reacting just the way they want you to.
  4. amorrison5

    amorrison5 New Member

    It is an old card, I havent made a payment on it in about a year. I am doing debt consolidation right now. But Discover would not settle with the consolidation company b/c one time I took cash out on my card

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