I looked at my credit report and have unauthorized credit inquires on my report; I never signed for these people to look into my credit. I live in Florida what legal matters can I act on. Sorry if this has been answered before I looked through some of the threads but all this info is over whelming. I heard you can actually sue the Credit Agency or whoever initiated the Inquiry is that true?
Dispute them as "not mine", "never apllied for any credit with them". Are you sure that they are hard pulls?
You can't dispute inquires online, only tradelines and personal information. You need to contact the business who pulled your credit report and send them a certified letter asking for their permissable purpose.
So once I do that is it the same 30 days they have to respond? I know for a fact I did not apply with some companies listed. So what about persueing legal actions? Suit? How do I do that Federal or Local court. Thanks.
Hard pulls? I know they are in the section where I lose points for inquires? I guess It's a hard pull. Sorry; i am new at this. I applied with a local dealership and they ran me through about 25 banks what a**h*l*$ now I am scared with 50 inquires between them and others not initiated by me.
Inquiries within a short time from car dealers or mortgage companies are counted as one inquiry. If you applied for credit at the car dealer, or at one of the web sites like Lending Tree, then you gave permission for your credit to be pulled by multiple creditors. You either gave permission by clicking a link or by signing an application at the dealer. Another reason to go to your local credit union or bank and have pre-approved financing in hand.
Dealers do this all the time. Those all count as a single inquiry for scoring purposes, they aren't hurting you. And you almost certainly gave the dealer permission to run your credit.
I have to chime in. Last summer I was looking at buying a vehicle at a Jeep Dealership. I WAS JUST LOOKING and saw a 2008 Wagon that looked good. Well the salesman came over and asked me if I wanted to take it for a ride. I said, yes, and then he said all I need is your license and will go get some dealer plates. When I came back from the test drive, I told the dealer that I was going to be looking at some other vehicles and said good bye. When I got home the dealer had called me several times and tried to sell me the 45K+ Jeep. I called him back and said I had decided on another vehicle. (I decided on buying another make, and got 0 interest for 3 years several months later ,so that inquiry was a PP but was months later) Well when I checked out my report soon after I had been to the Jeep dealership there were FOUR inquiries from different banks!!! I was ticked off as I NEVER had made out an application. This Jeep salesman had my license and ran a credit check on me and tried to get me pre approved for the Jeep loan even before I said I wanted to buy it! (BTW I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO BUY, that I WAS JUST LOOKING!!) I did get all FOUR CI removed, and also wrote a scathing letter to the Jeep Dealership. SO...to round it out, the dealer made a copy of my license, applied for credit without me giving him permission,and there was not much I could do about it!!! I now know that in the future NO SALESMAN is going to take a copy of my license when I go off for a test drive. Remember this so it does not happen to you! Woofer
Hard Inquiries Put the ball in the court of the companies inquiring on your credit. Write them a "permissable purpose" letter. I've used this numerous times and have gotten removals. The hardest was with NCO Financial Systems, who had a lawyer write a response, but still removed the inquiry. A recent 9th Circuit Court upheld the requirement of the burden of proof and a fine of $1000 for hard inquiries. Also, before all CA's could pull inquiries without a "permissable purpose", however, recent legislation has changed that.
I was able to contact one of the companies and the manager stated to me "I have no record of you being here; you sure we ran your credit?" "Maybe you applied over the phone?" So what is my next step. Obviously I never went to this place nor called them on the phone and he states he has no info anywhere on me? Now thats interesting......