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Ca Question (midland)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by unlvgro37, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    About 3 years ago (2005)I had a paid chrge off with MIDLAND CREDIT and all of the sudden the account comes up 120 days late (code 4) ,1/2008. How is this possible? This really has tanked my score. I just sent my letter to Equifax but I need this off as it is a lie. Also they have a notation of collection a month or so before the 120 day listing. This is obviously illegal and I need to know where go with this should Equifax validate that as correct. I sent my official report detailing the obvious incorrect info but I want to be prepared should they say it is valid. ANY IDEAS WOULD BE APPRECIATED

    Also anyone know how to check if they were licensed in Nevada. I checked the attorney generals website and didn't see MCM on the list of approved CA's
  2. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    Any Ideas On How To Proceed?
  3. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

  4. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    First send a procedures request to Equifax and ask them who they verified with.
  5. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    ok thanks. just file locally and then it will automatically go federal correct
  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    If you want to be in federal court, you must file in federal court. If you file in state court, you're in state court.
  7. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    Should I sue Equifax and MCM or just equifax? Also where this all happened was in Las Vegas but now I live in PA. I can still file in PA right. All of the help and wisdom is appreciated from this site. Thanx
  8. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    So I got another letter from equifax verifying the above mistakes. I even highlighted and explained what was wrong. So now I should send a verification process request and then file, correct? Should I sue Midland or Equifax? Thanks
  9. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    If you sent the 30 day now send the 15 day only send it strongly worded define your right's upto and including the right to use legal action,
  10. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    A 30 day process verification request to equifax?
  11. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Send a letter that they did not verify 100%so they must delete also ask for statements payment history etc.you should go to to them and demand delete ao you will use all legal resources available up to and inclulding legal measure's to correct this.
  12. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Be careful making threats unless you fully intend to carry them out.

    I'd do the procedures request first. See what they come back with, then you can go to the person at Midland and see what they sent.
  13. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Right it is a last resort if everything else fail's.then you have to decide how far you want to pursue this.
  14. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I tried talking to Midland but I have to tell you guys I wouldn't recommend that to my worst enemy. Basically transferred several time to be talked to disrespectfully by another operator. I am going to sue if it is not corrected it is not a threat but I just want it removed. SO basically wait for the procedures request to come back from equifax and then call which position or person at Midland, the compliance officer?
  15. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Have you gone to Midland's executive offices or called the general counsel?

    You obviously won't get anywhere with the phone drones.
  16. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    no i havent maybe i will try that while i wait for the procedure request.
  17. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    When they talk to me in a manner that's not professional i have to call it to their attention,show me the same respect that i'm showing you if they don't then it's time to call the general manager,and complaint.
  18. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    Yes but obviously you have never called MCM because nobody cares about proper reporting or the FDCPA
  19. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Yes i have i've called them all.And believe me when i don't get respect after i ask for it then i end our talk,if they call back i just ask the same thing.our i let the answering machine answer for me
  20. unlvgro37

    unlvgro37 Well-Known Member

    I would heed your advice if I owed money but this is a debt I paid more than 3 years ago. I sent a procedures request to Equifax today CMRRR. Any other move I should make in the meantime?

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