Need Help!!! Debt Validation Letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by love42boys, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    Yes you do and this is why it is good to hear the other side, and who knows with respect for each other we can all be playmates ; )

  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    It's when they start giving misleading or false then it's time to challenge them.
  3. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    Yup,and admitting that they pay from 4 cents up to 10 cents on a dollar, I THINK sometimes a lot less, well there is a lot of room for negotiating.
    Also so many JDB have NO paper work on the account that if you go up against them they usually will lose in court IF you are tenacious and know court procedure for your state. They want to play the odds and like to win on default no on hard work.
    NEVER have I gone to court where the lawyer knew or had much if any paperwork on my case.
    I will state again it is much easier to deal with a JDB as they usually know they are not going to win against an informed consumer.
    SO you either negotiate a settlement ,with or without a lawyer, go pro se, or you get a lawyer and go to court.
    Everyone has to figure out what is best for them in all ways.

  4. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Unless you've had a lawsuit with a firm based in Kansas, and you live/d in Kansas, we haven't dealt with you :) So it would be pretty irrelevant to disclose the name of the firm I work for.
  5. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    1. The price varies on the broker that is selling the paper, how big the package is, the average balance, etc.

    2. Interest, costs, will be added to the account as allowed by the contract, if available, or the statutory rates for the particular state in which the debtor lives in.

    3. Most states, not all, allow for 25% of NET wages, after taxes, etc. The debtor has a right to dispute the garnishment, within a certain amount of days of receiving notice, and set if for a hearing with the Judge.

    4. Sometimes it works.

    5. In the accounts I have worked, and purchased, I have only added the interest that is allowed under state law, or the contract. All the agencies that I have worked for have been the same way.

    6. In what way were the calculating the interest incorrectly?
  6. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    You are the one that said that you are a good collector when I said I never have known one to be ...

    I never told you that I thought you had dealt with me . You asked me for names. I didn't want to give any.

  7. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    DIsagree as each and everytime they have no accounting on how they came to the amount.
    I think it is a lot less as you can have a LOT of deductions and only have to pay a slight amount each week. Of course the consumer has to be savvy.
    Seeing that I did not number any statements I do not know what you are referring to in your statement?
    Well I have found that there is never any accounting on how they came up with their interest, and lawyers fees and court costs etc. In fact I can look at lots of my old paperwork and see how the CA's are always changing the numbers and even when they will have the interest on the paperwork it does not compute from one month to the next. Especially when it goes up a few thousand in one month, and I have seen this happen.
    This is what I always ask for in Discovery as well and not once have they ever calculated correctly!
    You say your firm is different and that you have seen other firms be like your firm.

    Well either your firm is extraordinary or one of us is delusional and or lying.

    You name it.
    ; )
  8. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    In regards to the garnishment, are you talking about your W-2 and how many exemptions you claim? If that's the case, it sucks to be the debtor who pulls that, they are only hurting themselves by allowing it to take that much longer to pay off, while the court costs and interest racks up, as awarded by the Judge.

    In every agency/firm even my own paperwork, I take whatever the charge-off balance is, and calculate the interest and fees if there are any off that balance.

    I would hope any respectable attorney would be the same as the attorneys I work for, as it's his license and reputation on the line every time suit is filed.
  9. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    I'll give you 2 names arrow services chicago,midland san diego,arrow quite simply outright lied,like i said i don't have a problem with legal and respectable action.midland threatened me so i have a friend that's awith the police department in that city so he paid that person avisit never had a problem again.all i ask is respect.don't shout at me talk down to me because with my illness and the loss of everything i don't give a s******
  10. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    Do respectable attorneys work for JDB's?


  11. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    There are some yes. Our firm doesn't deal with any assigned accounts, we deal with the creditor directly.
  12. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    SO you are a collection agency for the OC ?
    I have found that this type of CA plays by the rules much better than ones that now own the accounts and or one in the same with the JDB.

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