She received papers from the NAF showing it had been dismissed. If they want to re-file and go through it again thats fine, arbitration is not cheap, and they have to pay the costs upfront.
I read over the whole thread again and did not see where it is that she said this. Would you mind putting the quote here? Thanks Woofer
I sent them a letter offering a 10 cent on the dollar settlement (which I told them the money would be coming from my son) because I had nothing to give. I have not heard anything back from them yet, but I did receive the return receipt back, so I know they received it.
As I wrote before you should keep on top of the situation and check your local court and the court house nearest to where the last letter was sent. YOu also should have current credit reports and perhaps join one of those credit alert companies that will tell you when something new has been added. Woofer
Any response to your settlement offer? I keep looking for MB settlements and do not find very many. Still wondering what their bottom line is.
I have heard nothing from them since I received the return receipt for my offer. No phone calls, no letters yet, no nothing. I am afraid to call them and ask what is going on, so I guess I just sit and wait?
My opinion of MB is that they tend to ignore people who they do not think they can get any money from. It is not worth their time. I think I fall into that category. You may also. I have heard they do not reply to settlement offers, especially one as low as yours. They may as well wait and follow your credit report to see if you get any assets in the future. They have not pulled a credit report on me for over a year, so I know I am on the back burner for them. Also, they sometimes give up on some debt and sell it to other JDB's. That happened on two of my debts three or four years ago. I now have three debts with MB with their recent merger of E&A. I suggest you just sit back and wait. But monitor your local court on a regular basis. I go to the courthouse once a week to log in to their case summaries to check for any suits against me. I just came from there. Be sure to post if you hear anything from them. I really wnat to know what their bottom line is.
IF they filed something in court, wouldn't they be required to notify me first? How is it that something could be filed in court without them notifying me? I know for a fact that they have two valid addresses that they can send notices to.
They try to do it all the time it is called *sewer service* I would just check with my local court house to see if anything with your name on it. You could also contact NAF and ask about your case, IF you have a number for the file. Woofer
They do not have to notify you first that they will take you to court. They can file suit and the sheriff's department/process server will serve papers.